Embodied Aquarian

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aquarius super new moon - momentum for natural magic

january 21, 2023 (3:53 pm esT)

New Moon collage by Emily

Saturday’s Super New Moon in Aquarius sparks excitement about the future and brings a welcome wave of motivation and momentum.

Mercury came out of retrograde this morning (can I get an amen?) and Uranus – the last of the retro planets – will turn direct on Sunday. ALL of the planets will be moving forward for the next few months, quickening the pace of change and supporting us to step into our new stories and creations.

Uranus – planet of awakening, revolution and liberation – features strongly in this new lunar cycle. While Uranus’ station coincides with the new moon, Uranus will also closely square the full moon.

This Uranian activation amplifies the Aquarian energy of higher vision, experimentation and radical change, and urges us to embrace and express our uniqueness.

The card I picked for this new moon, The Faun, from Brian Froud’s The Faeries’ Oracle, points to the higher potential of Uranus in earthy Taurus – natural magic.

“Natural magic is simple. We are all full of it – and the more we are true to our own nature, the more we have access to our own magic. When we are caught up in believing in limitations imposed by ourselves or our culture, we inhibit the flow of energy.”

Uranus in Taurus reminds us that the magic we seek “out there” is already “in here” – within our own bodies, in the natural world, in the pulse of LIFE itself. We don’t need to be hooked up to or merged with machines, we don’t need to escape into the metaverse, and we don’t need to outsource our higher wisdom to an external authority – man or machine.

And, as the Faun card says, and as this Uranian-Aquarian new moon reminds us, the more we are true to ourselves – the more we tune into, trust and act on our inner guidance, and let go of the need for others’ approval or validation – the more we open up our magic.

For more insight into what this new moon means for YOU, find the house in your birth chart that contains 1° Aquarius.

The areas of life represented by that house are where there’s powerful energy for an exciting new start, and where you’re invited to:

  • look for and lean into the big-picture perspective;

  • activate your radical individuality and creativity;

  • tune into and trust your inner truth;

  • and plant seeds for experiencing more freedom, clarity, community and friendship.

See this product in the original post

In my 57-minute new moon transmission, I go into all the Virgoan details about this new lunar cycle, and give you practical astro-navigational guidance for the next month - and beyond.

I cover:

  • the pre-new-moon Plutonian purge (the Sun-Pluto conjunction);

  • the “make it or break it” moment in relationships (the Venus-Saturn conjunction);

  • the final exam - and rewards - of Saturn in Aquarius;

  • and much more!

more Classes:

See this gallery in the original post