Embodied Aquarian

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aries super full moon - awakening love in action

september 29, 2023 (5:57 am eDT)

Full Moon collage by Emily

Friday’s Full Moon in Aries is not messing around! It’s not only the fourth and final consecutive Super Full Moon – the culmination of a series of dramatic turning points – but also marks the start of eclipse season. We’re entering a 6-week period of accelerated growth and change, a portal of transformation featuring major endings and beginnings.

The Aries Full Moon is a catalyzing call to action, a surge of inspiration to expand into more of our true selves and to live the love that we are. This is a time to tune into where the life force is calling us, to honor and commit to our passion and vitality, and step into a higher level of service.

However! There is a note of caution in HOW we take action and where we direct our energy. Action planet Mars, the ruler of Aries, is in Venus-ruled Libra, conjunct the South Node and squaring Pluto.

This is not a time for over-doing, over-asserting, rushing, pushing or forcing. We want to sidestep the temptation to get caught up in power struggles, debates and arguments, blaming others, or trying to make other people change. There’s a strong potential here for reactivity and projection – making others wrong for how we’re feeling and what we’re experiencing.

Instead, we can work with our projections and reflections to reveal the parts of ourselves that are calling for more love and acceptance. What needs to be acknowledged, felt, honored, alchemized or released? Chiron the Wounded Healer is conjunct the North Node in Aries, and this Full Moon catalyzes SELF-healing.

The higher potential of Mars in Libra at this Full Moon is embodying love in action – a new awareness and expression of the power of love to ignite transformation and healing in the world.

Coinciding with the Full Moon – and adding fuel to the fires of change, especially in relationship-land – Venus forms her third and final square to Uranus. This is a liberating, breakthrough moment in the realms of love, money, values and creativity. Exciting, unexpected events may unfold and we’re encouraged to experiment, shake up our old patterns and open to innovative ideas and approaches.

For more insight into what this full moon means for YOU, find the house in your birth chart that contains 6° Aries.

The areas of life represented by that house are where events are coming to completion, culmination or fruition, and where you’re invited to:

  • break free from what no longer feels authentic and alive;

  • activate and re-commit to your Spiritual Warrior;

  • commit to putting your love into action;

  • and where you’re asking the Aries questions: What do I really want? Where is my vitality and excitement calling me? What would it look like just to be myself?

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