Embodied Aquarian

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capricorn new moon - completion and rebirth

december 23, 2022 (5:17 am esT)

New Moon collage by Emily

Did you feel the mega-shift? Giant Jupiter moved into Aries on December 20th, activating the very first degree of the zodiac and signaling a potent rebirth – of our stories, our faith, and our vision for the future.

As the Sun moves into Capricorn on the 21st – signaling the winter solstice – it precisely squares Jupiter, a dynamic initiation into the new season and new chapter of our lives.

A few days later, the super new moon in Capricorn will also square Jupiter. This extra-potent and expansive lunar cycle highlights the push-pull between the old and the new.

Jupiter in fiery Aries – the youthful masculine – stirs up our desire nature and urges us to jump in head-first and “just do it!” But Capricorn, the wise elder, is the sign of completion, responsibility, long-term goals and strategic planning.

What commitments do we need to tend to, what unfinished business needs to be addressed, what structures need to be built, before we can fully jump into the new story?

Meanwhile, Mars – the ruler of Aries – is still retrograde until January 12th (and in the retro shadow until March 15th). Mars retrograde turns attention to the past and to our inner world, to uncover the desires and directions in alignment with our deeper soul mission.

Patience, patience. This winter seems to be all about the work of finishing up old business and preparing for a massive rebirth next March, when everything changes. Yes, get excited about the future and plant your ambitious vision seeds for the new solar cycle, but the manifestation is likely to bloom at next year’s spring equinox.

Just before the new moon, Chiron, the wounded healer and shaman, turns from retrograde to direct. This activation of Chiron in Aries – which also loosely squares the new moon – can stir up core wounding, especially related to confidence, courage and personal power.

We’re being asked to show up in our messy humanness, vulnerability and authenticity, rather than powering through and putting on a show of strength. We don’t have to have it all together or be “perfect” in order to take a step toward our dreams.

Chiron’s direct turn can mark a turning point in our healing journey – a new expression of kindness, gentleness and acceptance toward self, that allows for deeper intimacy with others. New insights into sharing our gifts may also arise.

For more insight into what this new moon means for YOU, find the house in your birth chart that contains 1° Capricorn.

The areas of life represented by that house are where there’s powerful energy for an expansive new beginning, and where you’re invited to:

  • clarify your long-term goals and commit to an ambitious vision for the future;

  • raise your standards and elevate your life to the next level of growth and maturity;

  • clear out distractions and focus attention on your priorities;

  • review, rethink, reorganize, restructure… these areas of life.

See this product in the original post

In my 55-minute new moon transmission, I go into all the Virgoan details about this new lunar cycle, and give you practical astro-navigational guidance for the next month - and beyond.

I cover:

  • a reading of the solstice chart (a blueprint for the next 3 months);

  • how to make the most of Jupiter in Aries (until May 2023);

  • Saturn’s last hurrah in Aquarius (and integrating how we’ve grown since March 2020);

  • Mercury retrograde and its extended stay in Capricorn (focusing attention on priorities);

  • and much more!

more Classes:

See this gallery in the original post