Embodied Aquarian

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gemini new moon - focus and fluidity

May 30, 2022 (7:30am eDT)

New Moon collage by Emily

Though the eclipse energies continue to reverberate, Monday’s New Moon marks the official end of eclipse season (can I get an amen??). In Gemini – the sign of the mind – this New Moon offers a post-eclipse mental reset and recalibration.

Emerging from a few months of Piscean + eclipsey disorientation, fogginess and heightened emotions, we can now integrate the changes we’ve been through and discern the available data to get clarity about our next step. What’s the new story we’re stepping into after the big purge?

At the New Moon, Mercury – ruler of Gemini and presiding deity of this lunar cycle – is retrograde in Taurus and forming a close square to Saturn in Aquarius. The Mercury-Saturn square, in effect for the next few weeks, challenges us to focus and discipline our minds.

Are we directing our thoughts toward the more beautiful world we want to create, or are we spiraling down rabbit holes of self-defeat and apocalyptic doom, captured by the collective mind virus?

Action planet Mars just moved into its fiery home sign of Aries and is conjunct Jupiter – catalyzing a surge of vitality and excitement about new adventures. Aries and Gemini are both fast-moving, extroverted signs, urging us to directly engage with life to pursue what feels youthful and enlivening.

However! The Mercury-Saturn square signals the need to SLOW DOWN. Delays, obstacles and frustrations are possible – patience required. We can utilize the Martian fire to push through our fears and confront what we’ve been avoiding or procrastinating, and to harness our drive and focus in the direction of our dreams.

For deeper insight into what this New Moon means for YOU, find the house in your chart that contains 9 degrees Gemini. The areas of life signified by that house are where you’re being called to:

  • Identify and focus your attention on the new story of what you want to create;

  • Open your mind to new ideas and perspectives;

  • Learn something new, or return to a subject you used to love;

  • Deepen your sense of connection;

  • Listen to your body’s wisdom to know what you really need and what feels good.

The best times for setting New Moon intentions (in EDT) are: Monday, May 30th, 7:30am to midnight; Tuesday, May 31st, 12am to 4:10pm; Wednesday, June 1st, 1:49am to midnight.

See this product in the original post

In my 70-minute New Moon recording, I go into all the details about how you can best navigate this new lunar cycle, in effect for the next month.

The recording is longer than usual because – Gemini! – there’s a lot going on, and I had a lot to say about it.

more Classes:

See this gallery in the original post