Embodied Aquarian

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gemini new moon - a new expression of your soul’s essence

June 18, 2023 (12:37 am edT)

New Moon collage by Emily

Although in airy, mental, speedy, sociable Gemini, this new moon is strongly flavored by PISCES. Are you feeling it? Sleepy, dreamy, sensitive, overwhelmed, lost and confused?

The new moon forms a tight square with Neptune in Pisces, calling us inward to connect and communicate with our deeper soul self.

We’re meant to soften our minds, minimize media input and mental distractions, and open to receive wisdom from the more subtle levels of reality – our feelings and intuition.

Pay attention to dreams, to the “little voice” of your subtle senses, and the signs and symbols through which the Divine is sending messages and guidance. Quiet time in nature, especially in or near water, can be especially helpful.

Further amplifying the watery energies, Saturn will turn retrograde in Pisces just before the new moon. This will be Saturn’s first retrograde since entering Pisces on March 7th! Saturn retro brings a reality check, revealing our patterns of avoidance, addiction, escapism and self-sabotage - and showing us what we’re ready to release.

Remember Mars retrograde? The new moon occurs just one degree from where Mars went retrograde on October 30th last year – as it squared Neptune. We may be revisiting themes from our retro-tour, and ready to initiate a new direction based on what we uncovered. The full Mars retro influence was from September 3rd to March 15th.

This new moon wants to bring us back on track with our soul’s purpose and mission, reconnecting us with Source to reactivate our Spiritual Warrior.

For more insight into what this new moon means for YOU, find the house in your birth chart that contains 26° Gemini.

The areas of life represented by that house are where there’s powerful energy for a new beginning, and where you’re invited to:

  • deepen your sense of belonging and connection (first within yourself);

  • listen to the voice of your soul - pay attention to subtle feelings, dreams, intuition, signs & symbols;

  • reflect on your Mars retro insights & experience (which activated the same house/areas of life);

  • open your mind to a higher perspective of unity consciousness - and dissolve the stories that keep you stuck in the illusion of separateness.

See this product in the original post

In my 45-minute new moon transmission, I go into all the Virgoan details about this new lunar cycle, and give you practical astro-navigational guidance for the next month.

more Classes:

See this gallery in the original post