Embodied Aquarian

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leo full moon - the beauty of your liberated light

february 5, 2023 (1:28 pm esT)

Full Moon collage by Emily

The Leo full moon peaking February 5th coincides with the seasonal quickening of Imbolc or Candlemas.

This year’s Imbolc is super-charged by the Sun’s precise square with Uranus, still in effect and further amplified by the full moon.

Sudden changes, radical reversals, synchronistic connections and unexpected breaks with the past… A wild ride!

This Uranian full moon wants to shake us out of our ruts and shatter our old blocks and limitations - especially when it comes to shining our light, living our truth, opening our hearts, and wielding our creative power.

Venus, exalted in Pisces and growing in brightness in the evening sky, harmonizes with Uranus.

Venus in Pisces reminds us to tend to and lean into beauty, fluidity, grace, compassion, surrender… and to dance with the shifting currents and trust in the flow of life, knowing we are ultimately held by the Divine Mystery.

For more insight into what this full moon means for YOU, find the house in your birth chart that contains 16° Leo.

The areas of life represented by that house are where events are coming to completion, culmination or fruition, and where you’re invited to:

  • feel into your heart’s authentic desires – and be willing to be surprised by what you find;

  • break free from old limitations on your creativity, individuality and passion;

  • heal childhood wounds and fears around letting your light shine;

  • and deepen into, open up to, and radiate more LOVE.

See this product in the original post

In my 43-minute full moon recording, I go into all the details about how you can best navigate and co-create with these powerful planetary energies.

more Classes:

See this gallery in the original post