Embodied Aquarian

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libra lunar eclipse - the center of your expanded essence

monday, march 25, 2024, 3:00 am EdT

Full Moon collage by Emily

“In genuine acceptance of your humanness, find the foundation in the individual self for your expanded Essence. Turn inward and bring more light into your form. Discover the foundation of your sacred center… In letting go of who you think you are, you become who you actually are.” - Ariel Spilsbury

Are you feeling a building of pressure, wild emotions, uncertainty and chaos? The Pisces New Moon on March 10 sparked us into Eclipse season – a six-week period of high intensity, growth and change. And now, approaching the first culmination point of the season, Monday’s Lunar Eclipse in Libra, the energies are ramping up.

A Lunar Eclipse is a super-potent Full Moon, marking major culminations and completions, and bringing to light the parts of yourself you’ve been denying or hiding. In Libra, the focus is on relationships of all kinds. It’s possible that a significant relationship, or an old way of relating, is coming to an end.

Libran shadows are coming to light – co-dependence, an over-focus on others, “compare and despair,” coming out of your center and losing personal power, playing the “peacekeeper” and being “nice” at the expense of authenticity and aliveness…

Venus, the ruler of Libra and presiding deity of this Eclipse, is super-powerful in Pisces, the sign of her exaltation. Venus in Pisces shadows include getting lost in the illusion of distorted projections, self-sacrifice or victimization on the altar of love, over-romanticizing and seeing others with rose-colored glasses, and hiding your true self in order to please others.

In addition to Venus, Mars, Saturn and Neptune are also in Pisces. The combination of Libra and Pisces at the Eclipse can potentially bring a feeling of all-over-the-place-ness – overwhelmed by sensitivity, paralyzed by indecision, your energy spun out and diffused.

This Eclipse advises you to return to center. To ground yourself in the center of your own energetic field and creative power. To listen deeply to the voice of your soul and the voice of nature. To trust and act on your inner guidance rather than looking around to see what everyone else is doing.

The higher expression of Venus in Pisces is divine communion with your deepest self – your infinite, expansive soul self, the part of you that knows you are not separate from Source but a unique expression of the Great Mystery, inevitably and eternally connected with all of life.

The shadows are being revealed because they’re ready to be purged, as a preparation for the epic Aries Solar Eclipse on April 8th. While there’s a lot of fear porn telling you to run for the hills at the Solar Eclipse, the higher potential is a massive rebirth into the truth of who you are, a healing and release of your wounded, “little me” identity so you can expand into your unique gifts and power.

For more insight into what this Lunar Eclipse means for YOU, find the house in your birth chart that contains 5° Libra. The areas of life signified by that house are where change is brewing, and events or relationships are coming to fruition, culmination or completion. And, where you’re invited to:

  • recalibrate your scales and return to dynamic balance;

  • heal and transform through becoming aware of and owning your projections;

  • release patterns of comparison, over-giving, self-sacrifice, being in denial, and peacekeeping at the expense of authenticity.

I go into all the Virgoan details about how you can co-create with these powerful planetary forces in my 53-minute Full Moon audio transmission. Become a paid subscriber for $16/month or $155/year for immediate access to this transmission, and to the archive of past lunar recordings. Founding subscribers ($185/year) can join me for quarterly livestreams and also receive the Pluto in Aquarius webinar as a gift!

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