Embodied Aquarian

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from limitation to liberation: shed your capricorn conditioning to unleash your genius aquarian weirdness

Live workshop in Santa Fe, July 21st

Greetings! I’m super-excited to join forces with Anné Klint to offer a LIVE workshop in Santa Fe! This will be my first live class in over four years and I can’t wait to be in community, in the BODY, with my soul sisters. If the offering resonates, and you can join us in Santa Fe, you’ll want to sign up quickly, as space is limited. Feel free to contact me with any questions, and I hope to see you there! love, Emily

Since 2008, Pluto in Capricorn has revealed underlying patterns of fear, control and limitation that maybe, just maybe, have undermined your power, vitality and freedom. Pluto has recently transitioned into Aquarius, but will return to Capricorn for one final visit, from September 1st to November 19th. (This is your opportunity to close out this cycle super strong.)

Pluto’s last death & rebirth hurrah in Capricorn asks:

  • Are you living by someone else’s rules rather than your own self-authority?

  • Are you trying to manipulate reality rather than trusting the flow of life?

  • Do you ever feel like a victim of circumstances rather than the co-creator of your reality?

  • And what would it feel like to truly claim your personal power in a new and more aligned way?

In this intimate deep dive into the Plutonian underworld, you’ll work with your personal birth chart to discover which house (areas of life) Pluto in Capricorn has been activating. With our guidance, you’ll uncover the blocks still lurking in the basement of that house. Working with the tools of ceremony, writing, art journaling and inquiry, together we’ll alchemize that stuckness into your soul's hidden gold.

You’ll also explore the house in your chart where Pluto in Aquarius will work its magic for the next 20 years. You’ll plant seeds of desire and possibility for those areas of life, envisioning the most liberated and aligned version of your future self.

We’ll meet at the Capricorn full moon, which activates Pluto and offers a preview of what we’ll be working with when Pluto returns to Capricorn in September. This full moon lights up what’s been hidden in the subconscious, presenting a powerful opportunity for transformation.

If you're ready for the resurrection that comes after you've finally let that sh!t really go, you'll want to be with us.

Join us to close out the Pluto in Capricorn cycle with radical love and intention, and to prepare for the highest expression of Pluto in Aquarius – freedom, awakening, creativity and community. And who isn't craving more of that?

Get all the details and sign up