Embodied Aquarian

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radical reversals & expect the unexpected

equinox sets the tone for the new season

Equinox collage by Emily

Happy Equinox! The Sun entered Aries on March 20th, marking the start of a new season - and the birth of a new astrological year.

As the planetary ruler of Aries, Mars holds special significance at this time. At the Equinox, Mars in Aquarius forms a tight square - 90-degree angle of friction and tension - with Uranus, planet of revolution, liberation, and “expect the unexpected.”

Mars in Aquarius puts a strong focus on our future, and the connections - the friends, groups and networks - with whom we share a similar vision and can co-create the world we want to live in.

The Uranian influence suggests that we may find ourselves headed in unexpected directions, with unexpected allies. Unpredictability is the name of the game! Our best bet is to be willing to adapt our plans, surrender our ideas of how we think life SHOULD look, and allow the signs and synchronicities to guide us.

Mercury - the mind - is in Pisces and conjunct dreamy, mysterious Neptune, affirming that we can’t “figure it out” but rather need to FEEL our way forward and trust the flow of change. The dreamtime may have important insights and messages for us.

Word to the wise! The Mars-Uranus square will be exact and therefore strongest on March 22nd (Tuesday, aka Mars Day). While inspiration, revelation and innovation are possible, there’s also a potential for volatility, reactivity, and accident-prone-ness. Breathe deeply, get grounded, slow down, practice patience, and find physical and/or creative outlets for the wild energies.

(If you enjoy and benefit from my astro-navigational guidance, consider joining The Lunar - a 6-month membership in my inner astro-circle. You’ll receive new and full moon calls every month, plus a monthly community livestream, and more!)