the aquarian High council: astrology in the age of truth, love & freedom

free online summit - February 3-7, 2023

My friend and astro-colleague Sasha Rose and I have been busy behind the scenes organizing a one-of-a-kind event.

I’m super-excited to invite you to our free online retreat: The Aquarian High Council: Astrology In the Age of Truth, Love and Freedom.

We’ll broadcast LIVE from February 3rd-7th.

We’re bringing together 20+ deep-diving astrologers to pierce the veil and discuss the cutting-edge truths of these times.

Over the past three years, we’ve witnessed those in power pushing an accelerated trajectory toward increased top-down control and limits on individual freedom. Many astrologers have bowed to the dominant narrative and are not asking critical questions or taking the risk of sharing their truth.

This online retreat gathers together the astrologers who are willing to get into the edgier conversations that have been unwelcome in mainstream astro-communities.

The intention of this event is to share wisdom and resources and to inspire new solutions. We're calling in and co-creating the higher Aquarian timeline of truth, love and freedom.

If you're an astrology lover who has seen through the veil of illusion and dared to question the status quo, this event is for you!

Join us live from February 3rd-7th for these exciting interviews, panel discussions and presentations. Replays will be available for a limited time.

Sign up and you will:

  • Gain access to cutting-edge astrological insights into the deeper truths that have been covered up and censored.

  • Connect and converse with like-minded freedom-lovers from around the world, via breakout rooms, live Q&A, and a Telegram chat group.

  • Get inspired and energized by revolutionary ideas and join a new Aquarian community of renegades and visionaries.

You don't want to miss this one-of-a-kind event - hope to see you there!

Save your spot at the Council now!

more Classes:


leo full moon - the beauty of your liberated light


aquarius super new moon - momentum for natural magic