aquarius full moon -

August 1, 2023 (2:31 pm eDT)

Full Moon collage by Emily

The energies are building toward the second of four consecutive Super Full Moons, peaking on Tuesday. At this extra-potent lunation, when the Moon is closest to Earth and appears larger than usual, feelings, breakthroughs and revelations can be super-sized as well.

In Aquarius, this Full Moon shines a light on the future – where are we headed, what do we want to create, and how do we get there? One of the gifts of airy Aquarius is to help us detach from the drama-du-jour and zoom out to see a higher, big-picture perspective.

At the same time, Venus retrograde is pulling us into the past. Venus’ ongoing yod with Neptune and Pluto puts us under pressure to clear out old illusions and projections, to heal and transform patterns of co-dependence, to sever soul contracts that keep us stuck in karmic loops.

Where are we playing the role of harmonizer, peace-maker and support person to our own detriment? How have we suppressed the light of our true self to please others? How have we closed our hearts to receiving love and abundance?

As we release the shadows and illusions of the past, we open up new perspectives and possibilities for the future we desire – as well as a renewed sense of faith and optimism.

Jupiter in Taurus squares this Full Moon, reminding us that we have everything we need inside of us. The Aquarius Moon can bring a new perspective on our inner resources, natural talents and creativity. Stillness, silence and deep inner listening support us to tune into our own intuitive wisdom and guidance.

For more insight into what this full moon means for YOU, find the house in your birth chart that contains 9° Aquarius.

The areas of life represented by that house are where events are coming to completion, culmination or fruition, and where you’re invited to:

  • get a big-picture perspective and clarify your future vision;

  • surrender your ego’s agenda and trust what feels true and in integrity for you now;

  • free yourself from the need for others’ approval and validation;

  • slow down, get quiet and tune into your body’s intuitive wisdom.

In my 55-minute full moon recording, I go into all the details about how you can best navigate and co-create with these powerful planetary energies.

I cover:

  • Venus retrograde (hello, love & money issues!);

  • Mars in Virgo trine Jupiter (faith & positivity through practical action);

  • Mercury’s extra-long tour through Virgo (and upcoming retrograde, and opposition to Saturn!);

  • and much more!

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