Aquarius Super Full Moon - Radical Reversals and Revelations
Monday, August 19, 2024, 2:26 pm EDT
Full Moon collage by Emily
The lunar cycle that started at the Leo New Moon on August 4th is building to culmination – and it’s dramatic! I’ve been looking at Full Moon charts for over 20 years, and this is one of the craziest I’ve ever seen.
Why so crazy? The Full Moon precisely squares Uranus – planet of shocks, sudden changes and radical reversals – taking you on a wild ride through the Mystery. You’re challenged to let go of attachment to who you think you are and how you think life should be and instead to FLOW and DANCE with change.
Ultimately, Uranus – the Sky God – wants to shatter stuckness and stagnation and quantum leap you to a higher, better-feeling life. The process of getting there is not linear or logical, and requires trust and surrender. “Uncomfortable” may be an understatement for how this Full Moon feels, as it takes you out of the familiar and opens up previously unimagined future potentials.
Retrograde Mercury conjoins the Leo Sun, also forming a tight square to Uranus. Shocking news, an unexpected change of plans, and tech weirdness are possible Mercury-Uranus expressions. Higher potentials include: breaking free from old thought patterns and stories; revelations about and new perspectives on past events; and outside-the-box flashes of insight into what you want to create and how you can contribute your unique gifts to the collective.
But wait, there’s more! In addition to the t-square formed by the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Uranus, there’s another t-square involving Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and Venus. A t-square is a high-pressure and highly powerful configuration that activates conflicting energies. Yes, they can feel extremely challenging, like you’re being pulled in multiple directions at once. AND, the friction can be creative and productive.
The second t-square is in the mutable signs, potentially stirring up restlessness, anxiety, distraction and scatteredness. The higher potential? Changing your reality by changing your perception. Mutable signs are the shapeshifters, reminding you that what appears to be fixed and solid is actually quite fluid. As Marianne Williamson says, "Miracles begin when we consider the possibility that there might be another way."
The headlining alignment in this t-square is the ongoing square between Jupiter and Saturn, in effect for the next year, and exact (strongest) for the first time right at the Full Moon. As I wrote in a previous post, Jupiter-Saturn is a cycle of creation, and their square can challenge you to:
Overcome distractions, scattered energy and crazy-mind in order to focus on priorities;
Face and work through fears of expansion, abundance and success;
Navigate swinging between optimism and pessimism, inspiration and deflation, faith and fear;
Let go of what’s okay in order to move toward what could be f-ing amazing;
Confront inner and outer obstacles and limitations as you attempt to bring your vision into reality.
Leading up to and at the Full Moon, Mars in Gemini conjoins with Jupiter, adding fuel to the fire, while Venus in Virgo opposes Saturn and squares Mars-Jupiter. Relationships and finances could feel stressful. You may get all fired-up to move forward, and experience frustration as you encounter roadblocks and limitations.
What’s NOT going to work: going for the “quick fix” or instant gratification; getting caught up in arguments about who’s right or wrong; throwing your anger around; being over-confident or pushy or trying to force your agenda.
What WILL work: patience and more patience (this is a marathon, not a sprint); “don’t believe everything you think” and get curious about what else might be possible; work through emotional triggers before opening your mouth or writing that email or publishing that social media post; and keep your sense of humor!
Saturn in Pisces is the slowest-moving planet in the t-square, and therefore the most powerful. Saturn is also the traditional ruler of Aquarius, and the presiding deity of this Full Moon. Saturn in Pisces recommends leaning into the big-picture perspective that can hold ALL points of view, beyond dualistic thinking. Tune into your intuition rather than over-relying on mental analysis, and practice compassion, acceptance and forgiveness.
Any roadblocks you encounter “out there” may reflect your own unconscious blocks and fears, which are ready to be acknowledged and healed. It’s time to deal with what you’ve been avoiding, procrastinating or escaping from – and tending to unfinished business will feel good and free up energy for the new potentials that are arising.
For more insight into what this Full Moon means for YOU, find the house in your birth chart that contains 27° Aquarius. The areas of life signified by that house are where events are coming to culmination, fruition or completion, and where you’re invited to:
get a big-picture perspective and clarify your future vision;
break free from old ideas about who you are, what’s possible, and how you’re here to contribute to the collective;
surrender your ego’s agenda and trust what feels true and in integrity for you now;
free yourself from the need for others’ approval and validation – and embrace your weird creative genius;
slow down, get quiet and tune into your soul’s intuitive wisdom.
I go into all the Virgoan details about how you can co-create with these powerful planetary forces in my one-hour+ Full Moon audio transmission. Become a paid subscriber for $16/month or $155/year for immediate access to this transmission, and to the archive of past lunar recordings. Founding subscribers ($185/year) can join me for quarterly livestreams and also receive the Pluto in Aquarius webinar as a gift!