cancer full moon - dissonance and dissolution

january 6, 2023 (6:08 pm esT)

Full Moon collage by Emily

The emotional energies are building toward the first full moon of 2023 - and it’s a biggie! Not only is the Moon in its home sign of watery, sensitive Cancer, it’s also out-of-bounds (yes, again!), and in a square to Chiron.

The card I picked for this lunation is “Dissonance” – and indeed, the feelings that arise might feel quite uncomfortable (understatement?).

Cancer is the sign of mothering and nourishment, our earliest experiences of safety and security. The full moon’s square to Chiron can stir up pain and trauma from early childhood, old subconscious programming that keeps us stuck in states of insecurity and helplessness. We may be confronted with patterns and responses that undermine our capacity for emotional fulfillment and creative agency.

Thankfully, there is cosmic support for transmuting the intensity and reclaiming our power. The full moon harmonizes with both Uranus and Neptune, supporting us to evolve our emotional responses, break free from conditioned patterns, and lean into a greater source to hold us through our healing process.

While the Moon in Cancer highlights our very personal inner world, Uranus and Neptune represent transpersonal forces. It’s helpful to remember we are NOT alone, separate, isolated in our own bubble of emotional shiznit, but inevitably connected with the infinite potential and power of the Great Mystery, the Great Mother Source of All Life.

As we allow ourselves to feel, to grieve, to dissolve the pain of the past, we open to more of our essence self, creating more space for LIFE to move through us. The Dissonance card advises:

“Examine what appears dissonant in your life. Let go! Embrace the disintegration process without resisting or judging it. The rigid walls of your resistances are being broken down. Going through your resistances and boundaries prepares a space for greater wisdom. You are becoming an open system.” (Ariel Spilsbury, The Mayan Oracle)

Yes, we’ve entered a new calendar year, but according to natural time (aka, the sky clock), we’re still dissolving the past in preparation for a dramatic new chapter, starting this spring. With both Mars and Mercury retrograde, we don’t yet have all the information to know how to move forward, and we’re being called to move slowly, turn inward, and listen deeply to our feelings and intuition.

For more insight into what this new moon means for YOU, find the house in your birth chart that contains 16° Cancer.

The areas of life represented by that house are where events are coming to fruition, culmination and/or completion, and where:

  • old emotional, familial and ancestral patterns are rising into awareness, ripe for healing;

  • your intuition is making clear what you need (and don’t need) to feel supported and nourished;

  • powerful energy is available for creating from the inside out.

In my 52-minute full moon recording, I go into all the details about how you can best navigate and co-create with these powerful planetary energies.

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