Embodied Aquarian

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cancer new moon - the healing power of your sacred, loving attention

friday, july 5, 2024 (6:57 pm EdT)

New Moon collage by Emily

The Cancer New Moon initiates a new cycle of soul nourishment, sacred tending of your home, self, land and loved ones, and receptivity to expansive spiritual forces. Cancer is the Great Mother Goddess, creatrix of all life, and the part of each of us that gives birth to new creations, and nurtures, sustains and heals the world.

This New Moon presents an especially powerful opportunity for rebirth, an auspicious time for launching new projects and life directions. Not only is the Moon at home in Cancer, this New Moon also activates Sirius – the brightest star in the heavens and signifier of protection, leadership and spiritual strength.

Feel into your belly’s instincts, your heart’s truth, the gentle nudges from your soul, and take a step in the direction the divine is calling you. Cancer the Crab moves sideways, and this Moon is out-of-bounds (the outlaw and rebel), so your path forward may not be direct, linear or seem to make sense to anyone else, and that’s okay.

Word to the wise: a planetary slow-down is coming. Mercury will turn retrograde at the next New Moon, August 4th (or 5th, depending on your time zone), and will enter its pre-retro shadow on July 17th.

Translation? It’s go time. There’s a beautiful window of opportunity for launching the new, from July 7th to 17th (a few days after the New Moon and before Mercury’s retrograde shadow). Your initiations don’t have to look perfect – there will be plenty of time for reviewing and re-doing while Mercury is retrograde.

Supporting you to break through any stuckness or resistance, action planet Mars is approaching a meet-up with Uranus in Taurus. The Mars-Uranus conjunction, exact on July 15th but already in effect at the New Moon, is a headlining astro-event this month. It’s time to take a risk toward greater freedom, authenticity, abundance and creativity.

The more shadowy or unconscious expression of Mars-Uranus would be acting (or reacting) from a place of survival fear and scarcity. The higher expression is to trust your body to guide you into naturally inspired, creative action arising from your love of Life and desire to build a more beautiful world. Mars forms a supportive sextile (60-degree angle) with Saturn in Pisces, lending strength, wisdom and integrity to your actions.

The New Moon also harmonizes with Saturn in Pisces, inviting a deeper awareness of and attention to the sacred as you navigate your personal life, your home, family and intimate relationships. How can you tend your home as you would tend a temple? How could you care for your body and loved ones as you would care for a divine being? If you really knew you were divine, if you knew you were safe as an infinite soul in this mysterious multiverse, what risks would you take?

As you cultivate sacred attention in your daily life, you strengthen your sense of safety, allowing yourself to relax into your ultimate home - your awareness.

For more insight into what this new moon means for YOU, find the house in your birth chart that contains 14° Cancer.

The areas of life signified by that house are where there’s powerful energy for a rebirth, and where you’re invited to:

  • expand your concept of self, home, family – lean into the transpersonal realm and your belonging within the greater whole;

  • acknowledge WHAT IS with unconditional love, acceptance and compassion;

  • interrupt your habitual emotional responses and free yourself from old reactive patterns;

  • tune into and receive a greater source of nourishment, feed your soul.

I go into all the Virgoan details about how to work with these kick-ass planetary energies in my 51-minute New Moon transmission, available to paid subscribers on Substack. You can gain immediate access to the recording, and all future New & Full Moon recordings, by becoming a paid subscriber ($16/month or $155/year). Founding subscribers ($185/year) can also join me for a quarterly livestream, and receive my Pluto in Aquarius webinar as a gift!

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