gemini new moon - a new story of love and divine connection

thursday, june 6, 2024 (8:37 am EdT)

New Moon collage by Emily

The Gemini New Moon catalyzes the power of your thoughts and words to shapeshift your reality. Wherever you’re feeling stuck or challenged, this New Moon brings a breath of fresh air and new perspectives to open up previously unseen possibilities. Flexibility, adaptability, playfulness, and a willingness to see situations from multiple angles are your keys to magical transformation.

The New Moon conjoins with Venus, sparking changes and initiations in the Venusian realms of love, relationship, money, creative projects, pleasure and worthiness. If you’re not happy with what’s been happening in Venus-land, it’s time for a perception shift and a new story.

What do you tell yourself about what’s possible in love, about how much fulfillment you’re allowed to have, about your worth and value? Are you speaking to yourself and others in a loving way? Are you connecting with others from your heart, or just from your head? Are you listening to and trusting the messages from your heart?

The Sun, Moon and Venus form a square – 90-degree angle of tension and friction – with Saturn in Pisces. While Gemini represents the analytical mind, facts and data, and everyday connections and communications, Pisces is the dreamtime, the Mystery, pure consciousness, feelings and intuition.

Saturn’s square to the New Moon slows down the Gemini busyness, calling for more rest and spaciousness so you can feel into and hear the small, subtle voice of your soul.

You may be under pressure to make big decisions with long-term consequences – especially when it comes to relationships and money. Instead of staying in your mind, weighing out and analyzing every option, Saturn in Pisces points to the importance of listening to your feelings and intuition, paying attention to messages from your dreams, and expanding your perception from the ego-mind to the Divine mind.

For more insight into what this new moon means for YOU, find the house in your birth chart that contains 16° Gemini.

The areas of life signified by that house are where there’s powerful energy for a new beginning, and where you’re invited to:

  • exercise the magical power of your thoughts and words to amplify the frequency of love;

  • bring awareness to and release underlying, self-sabotaging self-talk;

  • listen to the voice of your soul - pay attention to subtle feelings, dreams, intuition, signs & symbols;

  • open your mind to a higher perspective of unity consciousness, and dissolve stories that keep you stuck in the illusion of separation.

I go into all the Virgoan details about how to work with these kick-ass planetary energies in my 51-minute New Moon transmission, available to paid subscribers on Substack. You can gain immediate access to the recording, and all future New & Full Moon recordings, by becoming a paid subscriber ($16/month or $155/year). Founding subscribers ($185/year) can also join me for a quarterly livestream, and receive my Pluto in Aquarius webinar as a gift!

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