Leo full moon - fire up your courage & creativity

feb. 16, 2022 (11:56 am eST)

leo full moon

Full Moon collage by Emily

As of February 3rd, and until the end of April, ALL the planets are moving forward. After a sluggish start to the new year, we’re now in a rare window of momentum and manifestation.

Yes, Mercury and Venus are still in their retrograde shadows until the end of the month. We’re still gaining clarity – especially when it comes to love, money and creative projects – but the puzzle pieces are starting to come together, and vitality is on the rise.

Wednesday’s Full Moon in fiery, festive Leo wants to get this party started! It’s time to tune into your heart’s passion, feel what truly LIGHTS YOU UP and take action in the direction of your dreams.

The essence of this lunation is the message of the Primal Goddess, the card I picked for this lunation: "It is time to reclaim your aliveness, rekindle your passion and hot-wire your creativity." (Ariel Spilsbury)

Catalyzing the momentum, a stimulating sextile between expansive Jupiter and revelatory Uranus peaks at the Full Moon. Spiritual and creative breakthroughs, unexpected opportunities, exciting collaborations, quantum leaps, speedy resolutions to old issues….

MAGIC and GRACE abound. You can access the gifts of this alignment by listening to your deep intuition, following the signs and synchronicities, and taking a leap of faith.

Adding more fuel to the Full Moon fire… the cosmic lovers, Venus and Mars, unite in Capricorn. Look back to last July to see what got sparked at their previous conjunction, and what’s now ready to be grounded in reality.

The Full Moon occurs on February 16th at 11:56am eastern/8:56am pacific, at 27 degrees of Leo. For more insight into what this New Moon means for YOU, find the house in your chart that contains 27 degrees Leo.

The areas of life signified by that house are where events are coming to fruition, culmination and completion, and where you're invited to:

  • follow the FIRE and move toward what lights you up;

  • take the risk of trusting and acting on your heart's desire;

  • express your creativity - transform life drama into art;

  • deepen into, open up to, and radiate more LOVE.

I go into all the Virgoan details about this exciting lunation in my 52-minute Full Moon recording.

We cover: the Jupiter-Uranus sextile, Venus-Mars conjunction, Moon Wobble, eclipse reactivation, why this Full Moon is so significant for the US… and more.

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