Leo Full Moon - Revelation of the Worthiness to Shine

Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 8:53am EST

Full Moon collage by Emily

Are you feeling the urge for change, a returning excitement about the future, a new sense of inspiration and expansion? Me too! Uranus and Jupiter - the two planets associated with the future - are now moving direct (forward), adding momentum to this Imbolc season of quickening.

At the same time… action planet Mars is stopped, parked at 17 degrees Cancer until March 9th. Mars will start moving forward on February 23rd, but we won’t be fully out of the retro influence until early May. There’s a tension between the restlessness, excitement and readiness to GO, and the need to slow down, focus on healing, and reflect on our true purpose and passion.

As Mars stations (stands still), it forms a tense square to Chiron, stirring up old wounds and fears related to confidence, personal power, and our sense of security and safety. Chiron can also trigger our inner “weirdo” - the part of us that feels alien, that doesn’t fit in, that fears there’s something inherently wrong with us.

The Mars-Chiron square - in effect until early April - calls for the courage to face these wounded parts with love and compassion, to honor our vulnerability and sensitivity, to forgive ourselves and others for past hurts. While potentially uncomfortable and triggeriffic, there are also opportunities for deep, foundational, and lasting healing.

The Leo Full Moon lights up the same house in your chart (according to Whole Sign Houses) where Mars turned retrograde on December 5th. Mars retro in Leo posed the questions: What really lights me up? Am I pursuing the direction/activities that are aligned with my heart’s passion? Am I shining the light of my true self, and shining as brightly as I can? How am I using my creative energy, and do I know my power as a creator god/dess?

Uranus the Great Awakener closely squares this Full Moon, bringing revelations, insights and new perspectives to these Leonine inquiries. (Note that the awakening energy of Uranus can also manifest as insomnia!) As Uranus nears the end of its journey through Taurus (since 2018), we’re in the final exam when it comes to the Venusian themes of worthiness, havingness and receptivity.

Do we value ourselves enough to shine our light - or do we hide because we fear we’re unworthy? Are we open to receiving love and abundance - or do we limit how much we’re “allowed” to have because we’re afraid we don’t deserve it? What do we really need so that we can shine our light and live our purpose in the world?

This Uranian Full Moon invites you to break free from old programs, perceptions and stories. Mercury (the mind) conjoins with the Sun and squares Uranus - shattering your old ideas of who you are, and your old limits on havingness and deservingness, and opening you to higher perspectives and possibilities.

And YES, crazy, extreme, unexpected and even shocking world events tend to occur when Uranian energy is running high. While Pluto, the Sun and Mercury in Aquarius focus attention on the collective, the Full Moon in Leo wants to bring you back to your personal creative power in the midst of world chaos - the power of your heart, the power of LOVE, the power of shining the light of your unique brilliance.

For more insight into what this Full Moon means for YOU, find the house in your birth chart that contains 24° Leo. The areas of life signified by that house are where events are coming to culmination, fruition or completion, and where you’re invited to:

  • feel into your heart’s true desires – and be willing to be surprised by what you find;

  • break through old limitations on havingness, worthiness and receptivity;

  • expand beyond the stories and perceptions that block your joy, light and creativity;

  • heal childhood wounds and fears around being seen and receiving love.

I go into all the Virgoan details about how you can co-create with these powerful planetary forces in my 47-minute Full Moon audio transmission. Become a paid subscriber for $16/month or $155/year for immediate access to this transmission, and to the archive of past lunar recordings. And you’ll receive the Mars retro webinar for free! Founding subscribers ($185/year) can join me for quarterly livestreams and also receive the Pluto in Aquarius webinar as a gift!

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