libra new moon - the magic & beauty of your natural essence

september 25, 2022 (5:54 pm eDT)

New Moon collage by Emily

Happy Equinox! On September 22nd, we entered a new season, and a new life chapter.

And the planetary events of this new season are likely to be dramatic! We’re approaching the climax of the reality-shattering Saturn-Uranus square, coinciding with underworldly Pluto coming out of retrograde, all leading up to transformational eclipses…

At Equinox, the Sun moved into Libra, ruled by Venus – the presiding deity of the season, and of the Libra New Moon.

Venus is the only planet currently NOT retrograde (or in the retro shadow), and she’s super-witchy in the sign of Virgo. Venus in Virgo gets a bad rap – traditionally this is her “fall” position, the opposite to her sign of exaltation (Pisces).

But to me the “fall” position is about being close to the Earth, and the magic of Venus in Virgo is her willingness to get down and dirty and do the humble work of being human and being of practical service.

Virgo is the sign of essence and purity – NOT in the distorted sense of chastity and clean-freakiness, but in the sense of being wholly and purely Who She Is – no artifice, just her natural sovereign self.

Amplifying her witchiness and natural magic, Venus conjoins with Mercury the Magician, and both harmonize with alchemical Pluto. This combination can inspire intense focus and perseverance for work projects, and for getting to the root of an issue – especially when it comes to our relationships, values, creativity and finances.

Powerful transformation and healing is available when we’re humble, when we show up, do the work, and bring love and joy to the process.

Venus and Mercury also oppose dreamy Neptune in Pisces, testing us to stay focused on priorities and not allow our minds to get sucked into distraction and illusion.

The higher expression of the Virgo-Pisces polarity is to infuse our ordinary lives with magic through the power of our attention. When we’re fully present to WHAT IS, we see the divine in the details, and the “little things” – the simple pleasures – can bring us into ecstasy.

In my recent podcast interview with memoir author Renee Linnell, who has lived a life of BIG magic, she shared some beautiful insights into leading a more magical life - and it’s all about being present and paying attention.

To get more specific about what this New Moon means for YOU, find the house in your birth chart that contains 2° Libra.

The areas of life signified by that house are where there’s powerful energy for a reset, re-start, regeneration, recalibration, reconnection… and where you’re invited to:

  • take creative action to restore balance and harmony;

  • reestablish an equal exchange of give and take, receptivity and assertion;

  • renew your spirit of cooperation;

  • create more beauty and increase the flow of love;

  • own your projections and heal within yourself what you see reflected back at you.

In my 53-minute New Moon transmission, I go into all the Virgoan details about this new lunar cycle, and give you practical astro-navigational guidance for the next month.

I cover:

  • the dramatic climax of the Saturn-Uranus square (shattered realities, radical reversals…);

  • the new moon’s opposition to expansive Jupiter (and the need to define your desires to open the doors of opportunity);

  • Pluto’s upcoming station (take charge and commit to your mission!);

  • how to work your magic with Venus in Virgo (and her rare alignment with Mercury, Pluto & Neptune);

  • and more!

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