pisces full moon - reveal & release

september 10, 2022 (5:59am eDT)

Full Moon collage by Emily

Saturday’s Full Moon in Pisces stirs up big feelings, heightens sensitivity and brings to light what’s been hidden in the unconscious – what we’ve been afraid to see or feel.

While it can be easy to get caught up in working hard and managing the details of life during busy-bee Virgo season, this Full Moon calls for taking a time-out to rest, turn our focus inward, and simply BE.

Our deeper selves and inner life are calling for attention – the parts we may have over-rode in our push for productivity, or the parts that seem too overwhelming, chaotic, confusing or emotionally charged.

Pisces is the sign of SURRENDER. We don’t need to analyze or understand or fix anything – just allowing the feelings to move through us is enough, and can create powerful shifts in our lives, from the inside out.

The veil is thin at this Full Moon and we can also ask for help from our higher selves, spirit guides, angels, ancestors and other allies on the other side.

Mercury turns retrograde just before the Full Moon – stirring up strong mental energy and potentially heightening the Piscean confusion and chaos. Mercury retro (until October 2nd) gives you a big fat cosmic permission slip not to know anything.

It’s time to get curious, ask questions, gather more information and look at situations from a new perspective. Mercury is in Libra, highlighting relationships as a focus for review and renegotiation.

To get more specific about what this full moon means for YOU, find the house in your birth chart that contains 17° Pisces.

The areas of life represented by that house are where events are coming to fruition, culmination or completion, and where you’re called to:

  • reconnect with your spiritual source and receive an infusion of divine love;

  • open to guidance from your dreams, intuition and imagination;

  • surrender having to have all the answers or the perfect plan and trust the mysterious flow of life;

  • and allow for more compassion and forgiveness.

In my 53-minute Full Moon recording, I go into all the details about how you can best navigate and co-create with these powerful planetary energies.

I cover:

  • retrograde everything (and how to deal);

  • Mercury opposite Jupiter (speaking our truth with sensitivity);

  • Venus in the underworld (until early December);

  • and more!

more Classes:


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