pisces super new moon - purify the past & dream a new future

february 20, 2023 (2:06 am esT)

New Moon collage by Emily

Monday’s super new moon in Pisces serves as a bridge between the old and the new, inviting us to grieve, accept and LOVE all that we need to release, while also dreaming up our highest vision for what wants to be created through us next.

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, where everything dissolves back into the great, mysterious ocean of consciousness. The Pisces season washes clean the astrological year that’s coming to a close, a time for healing, regeneration and spiritual replenishment in preparation for the Spring Equinox rebirth on March 20th.

The endings during this year’s Pisces season are especially dramatic. Pluto has now reached the 29th (last) degree of Capricorn, while Saturn is about to move into the final degree of Aquarius. Both planets will change signs next month, signaling the completion and initiation of major life chapters.

With Pluto at the end of Capricorn, until March 23rd, the energies are EXTREME. We’re seeing the culmination of the breakdown of old, outgrown structures, the endgame of the dominator model of power, the escalation of the war on humanity and the earth.

On an individual level, Pluto asks:  Where do you need to break out of stagnation? Where are you resisting change? What fears and perceived limitations are holding you back from living your most fulfilling and successful life?

At the new moon, Venus in Pisces – the sign of her exaltation – harmonizes with Pluto, highlighting the transformational power of love, acceptance, forgiveness and compassion. The parts of us that feel stuck are the parts most in need of our love. Judgment, resentment, hating on ourselves (or others) for what could have/should have been, only further entrench us in the past.

The Venus-Pluto alignment suggests that relationships may be up for healing, completion and transformation. We are being called to lovingly surrender what is no longer in alignment, and to open our hearts to a whole new level of emotional connection and fulfillment.

The Pisces new moon is a time to listen deeply to the small, subtle voice of our intuition, to feel into our dreams and ideals, and to plant powerful seeds that will manifest over the coming year. Saturn will move into Pisces on March 7th, and then cross over the degree of the new moon three times this year, crystallizing these dream seeds and bringing them into form.

For more insight into what this new moon means for YOU, find the house in your birth chart that contains 1° Pisces.

The areas of life represented by that house are where there’s powerful energy for a new beginning, and where you’re invited to:

  • restore your faith and reconnect with your true, infinite soul self;

  • apply the Piscean super-tools of unconditional love, forgiveness, acceptance and compassion;

  • use your imagination to fantasize about your ideal outcomes - for yourself and the collective;

  • dissolve the past and surrender to the mysterious flow of life.

In my 49-minute new moon transmission, I go into all the Virgoan details about this new lunar cycle, and give you practical astro-navigational guidance for the next month - and beyond.

I cover:

  • Jupiter in Aries as the ruler of this new moon (trusting the life force to guide us in new directions);

  • the Jupiter-Chiron conjunction (healing self-trust & empowering our Shaman-Creator selves);

  • the Mercury-Uranus square (mental breakthroughs & shocking news);

  • and much more!

more Classes:


Saturn in pisces: a revolution in human consciousness


leo full moon - the beauty of your liberated light