scorpio new moon eclipse - the purge that empowers your more beautiful future

october 25, 2022 (6:49am eDT)

New Moon collage by Emily

Feeling anxious, under pressure, overwhelmed, extra-sensitive, and maybe a bit lost? Me too!

Welcome to eclipse season – when what’s been repressed, avoided, denied or hidden rises to the surface, demanding to be acknowledged, felt, transformed, and released. Both individually and collectively, this next month of eclipsiness promises to be a time of massive change.

Navigated consciously, we can ride the wave of these uber-intense energies through the portal of darkness and mystery into a new, higher reality – an updated and more evolved, liberated and authentic version of self.

Eclipses come in pairs, and the first of the season is next Tuesday’s partial solar eclipse in Scorpio. A solar eclipse is an extra-powerful new moon, planting seeds for a new life direction that will develop over the next 19 years.

However! This new beginning requires a big RELEASE to make space for the new.

While every solar eclipse holds the energy of death and rebirth, this one is in Scorpio, the sign specifically associated with “letting go to grow,” like a snake shedding its skin.

Scorpio is the sign of passion, vitality and power, and this eclipse brings to the surface subconscious programs, patterns and traumas that sabotage our ability to be fully ALIVE, all here and ALL IN. Our assignment is to feel what we’ve been afraid to feel, to let flow the old emotional shiznit that got stuck and is now blocking our power.

Venus conjoins with the Sun and Moon at this eclipse, calling for and catalyzing a major PURGE of whatever is blocking our happiness, fulfillment, capacity for giving and receiving love, and sense of worthiness. Change is stirring in relationship-land, as what was previously repressed or unseen rises into awareness.

This (potentially) triggeriffic and challenging eclipse is the underworldly portal that could ultimately take us to a more beautiful future. The second eclipse, on November 8th, will be a total lunar eclipse in Taurus, EXACTLY conjunct Uranus and close to the North Node – signifying a massive breakthrough and quantum leap into a new reality.

To get more specific about what this New Moon Eclipse means for YOU, find the house in your birth chart that contains 2° Scorpio.

The areas of life signified by that house are where powerful energies of transformation are stirring and where you’re invited to:

  • release what you’ve outgrown to make space for a new beginning in empowerment, worthiness, love and intimacy;

  • uncover and purge self-destructive or self-sabotaging patterns;

  • explore deep feelings and get in touch what you love, value and desire;

  • revisit and heal old wounds (including from past lives);

  • go on an Underworld journey to reignite your passion and vitality.

In my one-hour New Moon transmission, I go into all the Virgoan details about this new lunar cycle, and give you practical astro-navigational guidance for the next month - and beyond.

more Classes:


Taurus full moon eclipse - elect & embody your highest future


A mega-purge, a new beginning, and time for integratioN