Taurus Full Moon - Break Through to a New Level of Divine Love and Creative Power
Friday, November 15, 2024, 4:28pm EST
Full Moon collage by Emily
As the Full Moon builds to culmination, the energies are weird, wild and (what else?) intense! The Full Moon conjoins with Uranus, amping up the potential for emotional instability and anxiety, along with opportunities to break through and break free from old, self-limiting attachments, habits and subconscious programs.
While the darkness can be deep in Scorpio season, this Full Moon is reminding you of the beauty, pleasure and abundance inherent in LIFE. Uranus wants to reawaken and catalyze your natural creative power to build a more beautiful world, as an antidote to getting lost in survival mode and doomsday scenarios.
Pluto is in its VERY last gasp in Capricorn, preparing to shift into Aquarius just four days after the Full Moon. Pluto at the end of Cap can feel heavy and extreme, and is testing your patience, strength and perseverance. Meanwhile, Saturn - the ruler of Capricorn - is stationary (not moving) and will turn direct (forward) at the Full Moon, adding to the pressure and possible frustration.
Saturn in Pisces brings attention to the unconscious, the dreamtime, the bigger spiritual story that’s unfolding beneath the noise and chatter of the everyday, 3D realm. As Saturn stands still, you’re advised to do the same - to slow down and be still, quiet, and listen deeply to the voice of your soul, your higher self, the Great Mystery. Powerful messages and guidance may come in through the dreamtime, or your subtle senses and feelings.
Ultimately, Saturn in Pisces teaches compassion, oneness and unconditional love, inviting expansion beyond dualistic thinking and judgments of right/wrong and good/bad. This is a time for questioning what you think you know, loosening attachments to your beliefs, and getting curious about cultivating a bigger story of connection and healing.
As retrograde Mercury in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Gemini (also retro) interact with Saturn over the next month and a half, “Don’t believe everything you think” is a useful motto. Byron Katie’s four questions can be a helpful practice. While the shadow potential of the Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn mutable t-square is to get lost in monkey-mind delusions, the higher potential is to re-focus your attention on the future you want to create, and expand your vision beyond the illusion of separateness.
Venus, the ruler of Taurus and presiding goddess of this Full Moon, is in Capricorn, forming a square to the Nodes, the axis of karmic past and evolutionary future. Venus squaring the Nodes represents a choice point. Are you compromising your integrity in order to please others, following someone else’s rules to be socially acceptable? Or, are you standing in your self-authority, expressing your radical uniqueness (Venus is currently out-of-bounds - the wild innovator), and owning your power?
Adding to the pressure, Venus forms an uncomfortable quincunx with Mars, currently moving VERY slowly as he inches toward his retrograde station on December 6th.
Mars turning retrograde in Leo asks: Do you know your power as a creator god/dess? Do you have the courage to shine the light of your true self, to follow your heart’s passion, to be the bright star you came here to be?
Mars is now presenting the questions, themes, issues, challenges you’ll be working with during the loooong Mars retrograde - the full influence is from October 6th to May 3rd. I went DEEP into the meaning and purpose of this Mars retro, how you can work with it for healing and success, AND what it means for you personally in my 90-minute webinar last Saturday. If you missed it, the replay is now available for purchase.
For more insight into what this Full Moon means for YOU, find the house in your birth chart that contains 24° Taurus. The areas of life signified by that house are where events are coming to culmination, fruition or completion, and where you’re invited to:
slow down and tune into your body’s guidance and wisdom;
break free from old attachments and habits and release what no longer feels aligned with your values;
come out of “survival mode” and open to receiving more support and abundance;
expand beyond limiting perceptions and know your power to create your more beautiful future;
raise your standards based on a new level of worthiness and havingness.
I go into all the Virgoan details about how you can co-create with these powerful planetary forces in my one-hour Full Moon audio transmission. Become a paid subscriber for $16/month or $155/year for immediate access to this transmission, and to the archive of past lunar recordings. And you’ll receive the Mars retro webinar for free! Founding subscribers ($185/year) can join me for quarterly livestreams and also receive the Pluto in Aquarius webinar as a gift!