Taurus new moon solar eclipse - creative catalyst to build your more beautiful future

april 30, 2022 (4:28pm eDT)

taurus new moon

New Moon collage by Emily

Saturday’s Solar Eclipse in Taurus is an extra-powerful New Moon that signals a major turning point. It’s time to plant seeds for a new life direction based on your deepest values and a strong sense of self-worth.

Are you just scraping by in survival mode, or are you overflowing with abundance? Do you feel you deserve to live the life of your dreams? What would you need to let go of to make space for what you REALLY want? What are you holding onto out of fear rather than true desire?

At the Eclipse, the Sun and Moon conjoin with Uranus the Great Awakener, catalyzing revelatory insights, innovative action and opportunities to break out of old patterns of stuckness, stagnation and settling.

Venus, ruler of Taurus and presiding goddess of the Eclipse, is beautifully positioned. Not only is she in Pisces – the sign of her exaltation – she also precisely conjoins with Jupiter. Venus and Jupiter are the two “benefics” – planets of increase and blessings, and their union in dreamy, sensitive Pisces opens your heart to greater love, compassion and emotional fulfillment.

The emphasis on Taurus and Pisces in the Eclipse chart invites you to utilize the power of your imagination to dream big, and then take creative action to start building the more beautiful world you want to live in, one step at a time.

Word to the wise! Pluto, God/dess of the Underworld, turns retrograde the day before the Eclipse – bringing to the surface whatever’s been hidden, suppressed or denied. The balsamic phase (end of the lunar cycle) approaching the Eclipse could stir up intense feelings, revealing what you need to purge in order to step into a higher, more divinely-aligned flow.

For more specific insight into what this Eclipse means for YOU, find the house in your birth chart that contains 10° Taurus. The areas of life signified by that house are where you’re ready for a creative breakthrough and new project or direction, and where you’re invited to:

  • Break free from stagnation and experiment with new approaches;

  • release old habits and attachments;

  • realign with your values and priorities;

  • deepen your self-love, self-worth and inner security;

  • open to creative flow and engage your imagination.

The best times for setting New Moon intentions (all times in EDT) are: Saturday, April 30, 4:28pm to midnight; Sunday, May 1, all day and night; Monday, May 2, any time EXCEPT 6:13-6:46am.

Get detailed astro-navigational guidance for this potent new lunar cycle in my one-hour New Moon recording, offered “in the gift.”

We cover:

  • Pluto retrograde (and the culmination of themes that started in 2008);

  • Mercury entering its retrograde shadow (time to review and re-do!);

  • the 19-year Eclipse cycle; Jupiter’s last hurrah in Pisces;

  • and more!

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