Embodied Aquarian

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aries full moon - the healing power of your infinite self

october 9, 2022 (4:55pm eDT)

Full Moon collage by Emily

We’re currently navigating the most extreme astrology of the year - maximum PRESSURE catalyzing world-rocking breakthroughs and quantum leaps into new realities.

The fourth and final exact square between Saturn and Uranus coincides with an Aries Full Moon conjunct Chiron, peaking October 9th.

Translation? This breakthrough moment is shining the light on HEALING. Specifically, self-healing - healing our sense of identity, personal power, courage, confidence and the ability to simply show up in our authenticity and humanness.

Mars, ruler of Aries, forms a tight square with Neptune. The shadow potential here is getting lost in our old stories of who or what we coulda shoulda been or done… - or, feeling overwhelmed by it all and dispersing our life force into escapism and distraction.

The higher healing potential is to recognize and connect with our TRUE selves - our infinite, divine, soul-selves, who are never alone, never broken, and never powerless. When we connect with our ultimate source of power, we tap into the field of inspiration, miracles and magic, and become the Spiritual Warriors and Warrior-Magicians so needed at this time.

For more insight into what this full moon means for YOU, find the house in your birth chart that contains 16° Aries.

The areas of life signified by that house are where events are coming to culmination, completion or fruition and where:

  • opportunities are arising for healing revelations and breakthroughs;

  • you’re ready to release old stories of victimization, powerlessness, wounding, and not-enough-ness;

  • you’re being called to activate your Spiritual Warrior and Warrior Magician;

  • and where you’re asking (and receiving insight into) the Aries questions, What do I really want? Where is my vitality and excitement calling me? What would it look like just to show up as my authentic self?

See this product in the original post

In my 45-minute Full Moon recording, I go into all the details about how you can best navigate and co-create with these powerful planetary energies.

I cover:

  • 4 planets (!) changing directions this month (hello, massive turnarounds…);

  • the peaking Saturn-Uranus square;

  • the air grand trine and the potential for higher perspectives & deeper truths;

  • Pluto’s direct station in Capricorn and moving forward with transformation;

  • and more!

more Classes:

See this gallery in the original post