Astrology 101: Foundations of the Cosmic Science


Learn the basics of astrology with a fun, hands-on, practical approach. You’ll leave each class with knowledge and skills you can immediately apply to interpreting your (or someone else’s) birth chart.

This class is intended for complete beginners, and those who have some astro-experience but want to deepen their understanding and skills.

You’ll learn the fundamentals necessary for reading a birth chart – planets, signs and houses – and gain knowledge about how to work with astrology in your daily life.

The course includes eight 90-minute webinars, plus a bonus class on healing and integrating sign polarities. When you sign up, you’ll receive a PDF with links to all the replays, handouts and suggested homework, to help you integrate what you learn.

Course outline:

  • Class 1: Introduction to the birth chart; day & night charts (the doctrine of sect); elements & modalities

  • Class 2: Thema Mundi (chart of the world); intro to the signs; the first 6 signs of the zodiac

  • Class 3: Last six signs of the zodiac; intro to the Sun

  • Class 4: The Moon in your chart; lunar phases

  • Class 5: Intro to the angles in the chart; the Ascendant; putting together Sun, Moon & AC

  • Class 6: Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Nadir polarities; houses; the Nodes

  • Class 7: Mercury & Jupiter

  • Class 8: Venus & Mars

Pleased participants in the live class said:

“I have been mystified and fascinated with astrology for my whole life and after just one class with you I am beginning to gain some understanding. You really know how to deconstruct the mystery of the chart. Thank you so much!”

"Oh my Goddess! I just watched the replay and it's fantastic, I'm so happy to be taking this class, thank you! I love all the info, it's filling in some gaps from years of dabbling and enlivening my passion for learning about astrology."

“I am totally enjoying the astrology class and my mind is being blown constantly! I'm definitely getting the astrology bug. I feel a lot of gratitude to you and the class for the insights and sense of wonder I continually experience.”

“Thanks for an absolutely mind-blowing class.”

Note: The link to the PDF with all the replays, handouts and homework will be emailed to you immediately upon checkout. This email is separate from your order confirmation – check your spam folder if not in your inbox).

Take Class

Learn the basics of astrology with a fun, hands-on, practical approach. You’ll leave each class with knowledge and skills you can immediately apply to interpreting your (or someone else’s) birth chart.

This class is intended for complete beginners, and those who have some astro-experience but want to deepen their understanding and skills.

You’ll learn the fundamentals necessary for reading a birth chart – planets, signs and houses – and gain knowledge about how to work with astrology in your daily life.

The course includes eight 90-minute webinars, plus a bonus class on healing and integrating sign polarities. When you sign up, you’ll receive a PDF with links to all the replays, handouts and suggested homework, to help you integrate what you learn.

Course outline:

  • Class 1: Introduction to the birth chart; day & night charts (the doctrine of sect); elements & modalities

  • Class 2: Thema Mundi (chart of the world); intro to the signs; the first 6 signs of the zodiac

  • Class 3: Last six signs of the zodiac; intro to the Sun

  • Class 4: The Moon in your chart; lunar phases

  • Class 5: Intro to the angles in the chart; the Ascendant; putting together Sun, Moon & AC

  • Class 6: Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Nadir polarities; houses; the Nodes

  • Class 7: Mercury & Jupiter

  • Class 8: Venus & Mars

Pleased participants in the live class said:

“I have been mystified and fascinated with astrology for my whole life and after just one class with you I am beginning to gain some understanding. You really know how to deconstruct the mystery of the chart. Thank you so much!”

"Oh my Goddess! I just watched the replay and it's fantastic, I'm so happy to be taking this class, thank you! I love all the info, it's filling in some gaps from years of dabbling and enlivening my passion for learning about astrology."

“I am totally enjoying the astrology class and my mind is being blown constantly! I'm definitely getting the astrology bug. I feel a lot of gratitude to you and the class for the insights and sense of wonder I continually experience.”

“Thanks for an absolutely mind-blowing class.”

Note: The link to the PDF with all the replays, handouts and homework will be emailed to you immediately upon checkout. This email is separate from your order confirmation – check your spam folder if not in your inbox).

Learn the basics of astrology with a fun, hands-on, practical approach. You’ll leave each class with knowledge and skills you can immediately apply to interpreting your (or someone else’s) birth chart.

This class is intended for complete beginners, and those who have some astro-experience but want to deepen their understanding and skills.

You’ll learn the fundamentals necessary for reading a birth chart – planets, signs and houses – and gain knowledge about how to work with astrology in your daily life.

The course includes eight 90-minute webinars, plus a bonus class on healing and integrating sign polarities. When you sign up, you’ll receive a PDF with links to all the replays, handouts and suggested homework, to help you integrate what you learn.

Course outline:

  • Class 1: Introduction to the birth chart; day & night charts (the doctrine of sect); elements & modalities

  • Class 2: Thema Mundi (chart of the world); intro to the signs; the first 6 signs of the zodiac

  • Class 3: Last six signs of the zodiac; intro to the Sun

  • Class 4: The Moon in your chart; lunar phases

  • Class 5: Intro to the angles in the chart; the Ascendant; putting together Sun, Moon & AC

  • Class 6: Ascendant/Descendant and Midheaven/Nadir polarities; houses; the Nodes

  • Class 7: Mercury & Jupiter

  • Class 8: Venus & Mars

Pleased participants in the live class said:

“I have been mystified and fascinated with astrology for my whole life and after just one class with you I am beginning to gain some understanding. You really know how to deconstruct the mystery of the chart. Thank you so much!”

"Oh my Goddess! I just watched the replay and it's fantastic, I'm so happy to be taking this class, thank you! I love all the info, it's filling in some gaps from years of dabbling and enlivening my passion for learning about astrology."

“I am totally enjoying the astrology class and my mind is being blown constantly! I'm definitely getting the astrology bug. I feel a lot of gratitude to you and the class for the insights and sense of wonder I continually experience.”

“Thanks for an absolutely mind-blowing class.”

Note: The link to the PDF with all the replays, handouts and homework will be emailed to you immediately upon checkout. This email is separate from your order confirmation – check your spam folder if not in your inbox).

Making Friends With the Dark Goddess: A Pluto Transit Deep Dive
Saturn & Beyond - the Slow-Moving Planets in Your Chart
Sign Polarities of the Zodiac - Healing and Integration
Progressed Moon Masterclass: Your Evolving Emotional Landscape
Saturn in Pisces Deep Dive: A Two-Part Transit Workshop