aries solar eclipse - expand into your future self

april 20, 2023 (12:12 am edT)

New Moon collage by Emily

“You don’t need to be a hero, you don’t need to save anybody else, you just need to become the best expression of yourself. That is all we need from you, that is your most important contribution to our collective victory.” - Laura Aboli

Thursday’s new moon is not only a rare second consecutive new moon in Aries, it’s also a solar eclipse – closing out a cycle that started in 2004 and planting seeds for the next 19 years.

A solar eclipse is an extra-potent new moon, signifying the start of a major new life direction. To make space for this beginning, we’re challenged to shed the past, release what we’ve outgrown, and free-fall into the Great Unknown.

Activating the 29th – very last – degree of Aries, the endings associated with this eclipse may be especially dramatic. We’re closing the door on old identities, old limiting beliefs about what’s possible, old self-concepts that have held us back from our greatest potential.

We’re giving birth to a more expansive, authentic, powerful, creative and on-fire version of who we are.

The eclipse squares Pluto in Aquarius, amping up the pressure to evolve into our future selves, to become the humans capable of creating the reality we want to live in. Can we allow the intensity of world events to inspire us into greater aliveness and courage, to bring out more of our true selves?

While Pluto in Aquarius calls us into the future, Mars in Cancer – the ruler of this eclipse – squares Chiron and stirs up old childhood, family and ancestral wounding. This eclipse invites us to identify, clear and transform old patterns of not feeling safe, supported, nurtured or emotionally fulfilled, freeing us to evolve into our bigger selves.

Mars in Cancer calls for the courage to be vulnerable, to reveal our sensitivity, needs and desires and to take action guided by our intuition and in service to life.

For more insight into what this new moon means for YOU, find the house in your birth chart that contains 29° Aries.

The areas of life represented by that house are where there’s powerful energy for a new beginning, and where you’re invited to:

  • release what you’ve outgrown or what no longer holds energy to make space for the new;

  • transform and evolve your perception of what’s possible - let go of self-limiting beliefs;

  • tune into your instincts, desires and passions and trust where the life force is calling you;

  • clarify and call in your most expanded, awakened future self.

In my one-hour new moon eclipse transmission, I go into all the Virgoan details about this new lunar cycle, and give you practical astro-navigational guidance for the next month - and the next 19 years.

I cover: Pluto squaring the Nodes (karmic crossroads - through August!); Mercury retrograde in Taurus, conjunct Uranus (revelations & truth coming out); and much more!

Because this eclipse is such a BIG DEAL, you’ll also receive a handout showing you where the eclipse is activating your own birth chart.

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