your power is within

emily on the natural wisdom podcast with Kristine backes

Kristine and I met at a potent cosmic moment - between two powerful eclipses, and as Pluto is stationing in Aquarius for the very first time.

The first eclipse of 2023 was at the very last degree of Aries, sign of the courage to be yourself; the next eclipse, a lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 5th, is a completion of the eclipse pattern begun in January of 2022. The eclipses come at a pivot point in this great time of transition initiated in 2020.

We went deep into how to work with these eclipse energies, the higher healing potential as well as the possible shadows or distortions. We also explored the meaning of Pluto in Aquarius, and Pluto squaring the nodes - the transformation of humanity and the pressure to evolve.


scorpio full moon eclipse - purge the past, reclaim your power


aries solar eclipse - expand into your future self