aries new moon solar eclipse - rebirth of your power to dream a new world
Monday, April 8, 2024 (2:21 pm EDT)
New Moon collage by Emily
“If you’re a creative and courageous person, then you’ll interpret these times as an incredible opportunity to be alive… It’s within your power to transform this world from a scary place to a joyful place.” - Lauren Geertsen
What’s up with all the fear porn about the April 8th eclipse?? NASA shooting rockets, CERN releasing demons, schools canceled, state of emergency declared… The message, whether from mainstream or alternative media, is the same: run for the hills, be very afraid.
Fear is understandable, considering the seemingly perilous state of this wild world. What matters is what we do with it – whether we shut down, cancel our dreams, and resent the bad guys. Or – FEEL the fear, and continue moving forward, creating the world we want to live in.
A solar eclipse is an extra-powerful new moon, planting seeds for a new 19-year cycle. The Sun goes dark and then returns, signifying a death and rebirth. As a total solar eclipse, and a super new moon, AND happening at 19 Aries, the Sun’s degree of exaltation – this one signifies an epic transformation. (Note that “epic” does not need to mean “bad.”)
In Aries, the focus is on the self – identity, passion, motivation, personal power, courage and confidence, the I AM. What needs to be released so that more of your true self can emerge? What holds you back from taking risks and going after what you really want? Where are you suppressing or hiding your creativity and individuality?
Look back to 2005 and 1986, when solar eclipses happened at the same degree and activated the same area of your chart. Who were you then, and who do you want to be moving forward?
This solar eclipse is also extremely rare because it precisely conjoins with Chiron, the “weirdo” Centaur planet. This Chiron-flavored eclipse calls for releasing old beliefs and stories about what we think is wrong with us, and how that blocks our full expression.
Along with a feeling of vulnerability, there’s a massive potential for healing, for breaking through the false overlay of limiting identities to expand into the fullness of who we came here to be.
Processes catalyzed at this eclipse may take some time to come to fruition, patience is required. Mercury is retrograde, April 1-25, suggesting that we’re still reviewing and receiving information about our desires and direction.
Further slowing the flow, Mars, the ruler of Aries, is conjoined with Saturn – the classic “driving with the brakes on” aspect. Mars-Saturn in Pisces signifies a pause point for checking in with our older, wiser self to make sure that our actions are aligned with our ideals and future vision.
This is a time to honor the natural currents of inspired action, listen to and trust our intuition, lead with compassion and sensitivity, and wield the power of our imagination to dream a new world into being.
For more insight into what this new moon eclipse means for YOU, find the house in your birth chart that contains 19° Aries.
The areas of life signified by that house are where change is brewing, and where there’s powerful energy for initiating a new life direction. And, where you’re invited to:
Re-spark your courage and risk revealing your uniqueness;
Listen deeply to the guidance of your older, wiser self;
Slow down to consider the long-term goals aligned with your soul’s path;
Release old stories about your wounds, imperfections and limitations;
Dream into a new, more expansive story of who you are and what’s possible in your becoming.
The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction is another astro-headline currently building in intensity and peaking April 20th. As Jupiter and Uranus meet up in Taurus, they plant seeds for a new 14-year cycle of breakthroughs, innovations and quantum leaps in the realms of farming, finances, essential needs, worthiness and fulfillment.
Learn all about what this conjunction means, how you can work with the energies, and where it’s happening in your own birth chart in my 90-minute webinar, Revelation of Natural Divinity, now available by recording ($18).
I go into all the Virgoan details about how to work with these kick-ass planetary energies in my 53-minute New Moon transmission, available to paid subscribers on Substack. You can gain immediate access to the recording, and all future New & Full Moon recordings, by becoming a paid subscriber ($16/month or $155/year). Founding subscribers ($185/year) can also join me for a quarterly livestream, and receive my Pluto in Aquarius webinar as a gift!