scorpio full moon - purge the past and surrender to your bigger life

tuesday, april 23, 2024, 7:48 pm EdT

Full Moon collage by Emily

Leading up to Tuesday’s Full Moon the energies are EXTREME. Jupiter and Uranus are approaching their precise conjunction, stirring up restlessness, chaos, breakthroughs, revelations and reversals.

(If you missed my 90-minute webinar all about how you can work with this EPIC astro-event, the replay is available: Revelation of Natural Divinity.)

This is a time to be FLUID, to flow with change, and be open to unexpected opportunities. We’re being called to release expectations and shatter old beliefs, to disrupt habitual patterns, to be more spontaneous and trust our instincts to guide us moment by moment.

The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction peaks during one of the most potent lunar cycles of the year, which started with the Aries Solar Eclipse on April 8th. Now, the Full Moon in Scorpio suggests that, in order to expand into the new life directions catalyzed by the Eclipse - and the quantum leaps inspired by Jupiter-Uranus - a purging of old patterns is required.

This Full Moon lights up the basement of the subconscious and reveals inner blocks to creativity and growth. Where have you lost your passion and vitality? Where are you playing it safe rather than playing your edge? What do you need to let go of so you can create what you really want?

Taurus-Scorpio themes amplified at this Full Moon include money and resources, intimacy and sexuality, and the tension between holding on and letting go, control and surrender.

Adding to the intensity, the Full Moon forms a square – 90-degree angle of friction – with underworldly Pluto, the modern ruler of Scorpio. As what’s been hidden rises to the surface, we’re called to feel, integrate, grieve and transmute pain from the past, in service to freeing up space and energy for the new.

Mars, the traditional ruler of Scorpio, is in watery Pisces and conjoined with Neptune. While Mars is the action planet, this super-yin placement is more about BEING than DOING.

There can be a temptation to numb out and try to escape the intensity, or to do something/anything to discharge strong emotions. But the higher expression is having the courage to be present with and accept all the feelings, to listen deeply to the voice of the soul, to trust and act on intuitive promptings and wait for inspired action to arise.

For more insight into what this Full Moon means for YOU, find the house in your birth chart that contains 4° Scorpio. The areas of life signified by that house are where events are coming to culmination, fruition or completion, and where you’re invited to:

  • uncover and acknowledge feelings, desires and instincts that have been hidden, repressed or denied;

  • "let go to grow” - identify and purge what no longer holds energy for you;

  • FEEL, be with, accept, love and surrender to whatever is coming up;

  • regenerate your power, passion, vitality and authenticity.

I go into all the Virgoan details about how you can co-create with these powerful planetary forces in my 48-minute Full Moon audio transmission. Become a paid subscriber for $16/month or $155/year for immediate access to this transmission, and to the archive of past lunar recordings. Founding subscribers ($185/year) can join me for quarterly livestreams and also receive the Pluto in Aquarius webinar as a gift!

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