capricorn new moon - surrendered manifestation of your spiritual essence

thursday, january 11, 2024 (6:57 am EsT)

capricorn new moon

New Moon collage by Emily

“Now is the time for the Great Mystery to reveal itself through you. Know yourself as the capstone of light. Allow your creativity to express the beauty and inspiration of your spiritual journey.” - Ariel Spilsbury

I’m posting my New Moon note earlier than usual because the astrology leading up to the New Moon (i.e., NOW) is rather challenging!

Mars moved into Capricorn yesterday, adding fuel to the fire of Pluto at the final degree of that sign - energies are EXTREME. We’re advised to stay focused on what we’re creating, take radical responsibility for everything in our experience, and clean up whatever we’ve been avoiding or procrastinating.

However! No pushing, no struggling, no rushing - instead, align with and surrender to the natural flow and rhythm, and call in grace and support from your invisible allies on the other side. Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, is in super-yin Pisces, calling for a softer and more surrendered approach to doing the work of bringing our dreams into reality.

Our minds are very open to connecting and communicating with Spirit right now - but also prone to distraction. Mercury, which came out of its retrograde on January 1st, is forming its third and final square to Neptune, exact on the 8th.

We can access the higher potential of this square by consciously carving out time for spaciousness and relaxation, communion with nature (especially water), and by paying attention to our dreams and the subtle promptings of our intuition.

Mercury-Neptune is great for dreaming BIG and visualizing our ideal, more beautiful world - gathering inspiration for what we want to manifest through practical action starting at the New Moon. The less-productive potential comes when we fritter away our precious attention and get sucked into mindless distractions, social media scrolling, binge-watching…

Increasing the intensity of this time, and further advising us to move slowly and with patience, the Capricorn Sun is squaring the North and South Nodes - a “Moon Wobble.” Stirring up heightened emotions, and the potential to get lost in illusion, this alignment marks the halfway point between Eclipse seasons.

This square perfects - comes to exactness - at the New Moon. We’re challenged to commit to the very best expression of our essence, the future self we’re calling into being through our consistent, persistent daily actions and focused attention. And to release illusory projections onto other people - judgments, comparisons, expectations that anyone else needs to change before we can become who we are meant to be.

This New Moon carries some serious creative power and traction, marking both a major ending and beginning, and setting us up for the rocket-launching lift-off that’s coming later this month when Pluto moves into Aquarius.

For more insight into what this new moon means for YOU, find the house in your birth chart that contains 20° Capricorn.

The areas of life signified by that house are where there’s powerful energy for a new beginning, and where you’re invited to:

  • clarify and define your essence, who you want to be moving forward, and what you’re deeply committed to;

  • take radical responsibility for what you’ve created and take care of what you’ve been avoiding;

  • clear out distractions, release what’s not in alignment with your soul’s path, and focus on priorities;

  • show up consistently, with patience and persistence, honoring your natural rhythm and timing;

  • raise your standards and elevate your life to the next level of growth and maturity.

I go into all the Virgoan details about how to work with these kick-ass planetary energies in my 47-minute New Moon transmission, available to paid subscribers on Substack. You can gain immediate access to the recording, and all future New & Full Moon recordings, by becoming a paid subscriber ($16/month or $155/year).

more Classes:


leo full moon - Transformational New Frequencies to Empower Your Creativity, Courage and Love


A chirotic cancer full moon - vulnerability, healing and surrender