leo full moon - Transformational New Frequencies to Empower Your Creativity, Courage and Love

Thursday, January 25, 2024, 12:54pm EST

Full Moon collage by Emily

“Creativity becomes available to anyone who is prepared to be surprised, not only to be amused, but transformed by surprise. Surprise is a function of seeing life as an open-ended game.” - James Carse

Leading up to next Thursday’s Full Moon, there is A LOT going on and the energies are extreme!

Most notably, Pluto will move into Aquarius tomorrow, January 20th. Except for a brief preview last year (March 23-June 11), Pluto has not been in Aquarius in over 200 years, and is bringing in brand new frequencies for our evolution.

(If you missed last week’s webinar all about Pluto in Aquarius, and how we can co-create with this powerful transit for the next 20 years, the replay is available.)

As Pluto finishes up its tour through Capricorn this week, and conjoins with the Sun at the very last degree and minute of Capricorn, the intensity is full-on and there’s a lot to process. Illness is one possible manifestation, to give us space to integrate what we’ve been through since 2008, and purge the old in preparation for the new. It’s a good time to be gentle with ourselves, take a time-out, and allow our bodies to adjust to the changing frequencies.

The Leo Full Moon will oppose Pluto in Aquarius, presenting a potent opportunity to FEEL into these new frequencies and ground them in our hearts (Leo). Emotional volatility and reactivity are also possible as the Plutonian Full Moon stirs up deep feelings and reveals what’s been hidden in the shadows.

It seems divinely orchestrated that the first lunation after Pluto’s move into Aquarius is in Leo - the sign opposite Aquarius. To successfully navigate Pluto’s journey through a sign, we need to balance and integrate with its polarity.

The Full Moon in Leo - the archetype of the Divine Child - reminds us of the importance of PLAY, spontaneity, humor and innocence. To shift the world trajectory in a positive direction, we have to get creative. Play takes us out of habitual mindsets, while seeing through the eyes of a child opens up new possibilities.

We are coming into a time of quickening - the energies are going to speed up, changes will happen quickly and in a non-linear, quantum-leaping kind of way, and there’s a lot of momentum for initiating and manifesting.

The Leo Full Moon invites you to get anchored in your creative power, your courage and your loving heart to be able to direct these energies in the most positive, healing way, in service to a more beautiful future. The dystopian version of the future is NOT a done deal, reality is very fluid, and we’re much more capable and powerful than we realize.

For more insight into what this Full means for YOU, find the house in your birth chart that contains 5° Leo. The areas of life signified by that house are where events are coming to culmination, fruition or completion, and where you’re invited to:

  • feel into your heart’s passion and desire – and be willing to be surprised by what you find;

  • break free from old limitations to expressing your creativity, individuality and leadership - and be willing to take a risk;

  • adopt an attitude of childlike innocence to open to miraculous possibilities;

  • heal childhood wounds and fears around letting your light shine;

  • and deepen into, open up to, and radiate more LOVE.

I go into all the Virgoan details about how you can co-create with these powerful planetary forces in my one-hour Full Moon audio transmission. Become a paid subscriber for $16/month or $155/year for immediate access to this transmission, and to the archive of past lunar recordings. Founding subscribers ($185/year) can join me for quarterly livestreams and also receive the Pluto in Aquarius webinar as a gift!

more Classes:


aquarius super new moon - quickening, quantum leaps and radical breaks


capricorn new moon - surrendered manifestation of your spiritual essence