Embodied Aquarian

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mars retrograde 2022-23: reconnect with your soul’s truth

in effect from september 3rd, 2022 to March 15, 2023

Mars retro collage by Emily

As we close out 2022 and enter 2023, Mars retrograde will be a headlining influence.

The planet of power, passion, direction, motivation and vitality will appear to travel backwards from October 30th to January 12th, but you’ll feel the effects for much longer – September 3rd to March 15th.

When the red planet goes retrograde, forward momentum slows down, while motivation and vitality wane. Mars retro is a time for turning inward to rethink your desires and goals, reconnect with your deeper sense of purpose, and regenerate your life force.

Mars will be retrograde in the sign Gemini, forming a tense square to Neptune in Pisces.

Some of the less conscious potentials include: mental confusion, anxiety, sleeplessness, scattered energy, misdirected anger and unproductive conflicts, getting caught up in fantasy and delusion…

The higher potential is to cut through illusion and distraction, reconnect with your soul’s truth, and re-energize your inner spiritual warrior.

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Join me for a LIVE 90-minute webinar on Wednesday, August 31st at 4pm PDT/7pm EDT to learn how to navigate Mars retrograde!

You’ll receive practical astro-navigational guidance for making the most of this tumultuous period. You’ll also learn how to find where Mars is activating your personal birth chart, so you can get more specific insight into what this transit means for YOU.

Sign up by Friday, August 26th to be included in a drawing to have your chart used as an example in class (I’ll pick two!).

All are welcome, including astro-beginners. No worries if you can’t make it to the live event – you’ll receive a recording, as well as a handout of the class slides.

more Classes:

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