sagittarius new moon - a new, healing story of inseparable unity

november 23, 2022 (5:57 pm esT)

New Moon collage by Emily

Emerging from a deep-diving, transformational eclipse season, Wednesday’s new moon in Sagittarius heralds a rebirth, a renewal of faith and a new vision for the future.

Having been initiated into the profound mysteries of Scorpioland, shattered open by forces beyond the ego’s control, purged of old emotional baggage and conditioning, what wisdom and understanding are arising out of the ashes? What’s true for you NOW?

The new moon harmonizes with Chiron - the wounded healer, shaman, and bridge between matter and spirit. Chiron’s beneficial alignment with this new moon reminds us of our power to heal by changing our perspective and telling a different story.

Jupiter – ruler of Sagittarius and presiding deity of this lunation – turns from retrograde to direct (forward) just after the new moon, supporting a great leap forward into a new dream for the future.

Jupiter is in watery, sensitive Pisces, amplifying our compassion, our felt connection to all life, and our ability to access our infinite, divine selves.

Pisces represents unity consciousness, and the higher potential of this Jupiter-powered new moon is to dissolve the old beliefs and stories that keep us stuck in the illusion of separation – the dualistic constructs of right/wrong, good/bad, etc. And to initiate a NEW story based on the deeper truth of our intrinsic oneness.

For more insight into what this new moon means for YOU, find the house in your birth chart that contains 1° Sagittarius.

The areas of life represented by that house are where there’s powerful energy for an expansive new beginning, and where you’re invited to:

  • get a higher perspective and clarify your future vision;

  • dissolve old beliefs and commit to a new, healing story;

  • renew your enthusiasm, faith and inspiration;

  • speak and stand in your truth.

  • and expand your imagination of what’s possible.

In my one-hour New Moon transmission, I go into all the Virgoan details about this new lunar cycle, and give you practical astro-navigational guidance for the next month - and beyond.

I cover:

  • the shift from fixed to mutable energies (and flowing with fast change);

  • retrograde Mars living large during this lunar cycle (and sidestepping the temptation toward unproductive conflict);

  • Neptune turning direct (divine inspiration vs. illusion);

  • Venus reemerging from the Underworld (and what that means in relationship-land);

  • and more!

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