Embodied Aquarian

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taurus full moon lunar eclipse - own your worth to create the new earth

october 28, 2023 (4:24 pm eDT)

Full Moon collage by Emily

The Taurus Lunar Eclipse – an extra-potent Full Moon – is not only the peak of this 6-week Eclipse Season, it’s also the grand finale of a series of eclipses in Taurus/Scorpio that started in November 2021.

Pay attention to the Taurus and Scorpio houses in your chart (see handout below) for insights into the areas of life that have been through massive change over the past two years.

What’s now coming to fruition, culmination or completion? What new insights and understandings are coming to light? What do you need to digest and integrate? What’s the NEW story you’re ready to step into?

On Sunday the Sun shifted into Scorpio, initiating the season that calls for shedding, transforming or healing what’s stuck, stagnant, outgrown or otherwise blocking the flow of your vitality and power. In case you’ve had any doubt about what that might be, the Full Moon in earthy Taurus makes it obvious, by bringing the issues into the physical.

Your Moon-ruled emotions are likely to manifest in physical form – in the body, through illness and other health challenges, and on the material plane, through the “stuff” around you that you depend on for comfort and convenience. This Eclipse wants you to listen deeply to your body’s wisdom, to the plants and animals around you, to the powerful messages coming through the natural world.

The Full Moon is conjunct Jupiter, amplifying feelings and asking you to clarify your vision for the future – the more beautiful world or New Earth. You’re being called to own your worth and value at a whole new level, making possible expansion into new creative possibilities.

Directly opposite Jupiter, Mercury and Mars conjoin in Scorpio, activating the power to cut through illusion and get to the bottom of any issues or programs blocking your creative power. What do you need to release in order to take a quantum leap into your more beautiful world?

This opposition also reminds you that physical reality is much more fluid and transform-able than you’ve been taught to believe. Whatever seems stuck or impossibly “fixed” can actually change as your perception opens.

Venus in Virgo – the presiding deity of this Eclipse – opposes Neptune and harmonizes with Uranus, helping you dissolve old patterns of perfectionism and non-enoughness and open to your Big Self. As you receive and integrate more of your divine, infinitely powerful Source self, you become a vessel for innovative solutions and practical service.

For more insight into what this Lunar Eclipse means for YOU, find the house in your birth chart that contains 5° Taurus. The areas of life signified by that house are where events are coming to culmination, fruition or completion, and where you’re invited to:

  • slow down and tune into your body’s guidance and wisdom;

  • let go of what no longer feels nourishing or aligned with your values;

  • come out of “survival mode” and open to receiving more support and abundance;

  • expand beyond limiting perceptions and envision your most beautiful future;

  • raise your standards based on a new level of worthiness and havingness.

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