Aquarius Full Moon - August 2022

from $0.00

Courage, Commitment, Creativity & Crystallization

The Full Moon in Aquarius, peaking August 11th, is the third and final Super Full Moon of 2022 - and it’s super-charged!! The full moon conjoins with Saturn and squares Uranus and the Nodes, creating a dynamic and potent fixed grand cross.

We are being shown where we’ve become stuck or stagnant, where we’ve suppressed our heart’s true desires, where we have given away our power to create the life of our dreams.

As the light shines on our fears, blocks and frustrations – we have a tremendous opportunity to break through old limitations, to free ourselves from what no longer feels connected or in alignment, and to step through the wild unknown into our more beautiful future.

The key to unlocking the power of this full moon is COURAGE.

The courage to release what we’ve outgrown and commit to what we love and value. The courage to open our hearts in the face of world insanity and celebrate LIFE in all its mystery. The courage to reach out connect with those who share our values and vision and with whom we will create the new Earth.

In this 50-minute Full Moon recording, you’ll receive all the details about how you can best navigate and co-create with these powerful planetary energies.

This call is offered “in the gift” – thank you for contributing the amount that feels right to you. If you want to pay an amount other than one listed as an option, you can pay “zero” at checkout and use the Virtual Tip Jar to make a contribution in any amount.

Note: the link to the recording will be emailed to you immediately, separately from your order confirmation (please check your spam folder if not in your inbox).

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