Aquarius New Moon - Feb 2022

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The Quickening

The 2022 party is about to get started, and the Aquarius New Moon on February 1st is the launch point.

Venus just turned direct, Mercury will turn direct a few days after the New Moon, and then ALL the planets will be moving forward for the next two months. Clarity and momentum are on the rise!

Aquarius season is the time of QUICKENING – the light is increasing and the life force is stirring as we reemerge from deep Capricorn hibernation. At the Aquarius New Moon – Lunar or Chinese New Year – it’s time to break free from the past and step into a new story.

In this 45-minute recording, you’ll receive Emily’s astro-navigational guidance for making the most of this new lunar cycle. We cover: Venus moving forward, Venus and Mars (the cosmic lovers) together for the next month, Mercury retro conjunct Pluto, Jupiter sextile Uranus, and much more!

This call is offered “in the gift” – thank you for contributing the amount that feels right to you.

Note: the link to the recording will be emailed to you immediately, separately from your order confirmation (please check your spam folder if not in your inbox).

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