Aries New Moon - April 2022

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Rebirth of Your Essence

The New Moon in Aries on April 1st - the first New Moon of the astrological new year - is a powerful launching point for a bold new life direction. It’s time to feel into your passion and life force, fire up your courage, and take a risk!

However… Even as the FIRE of Aries season inspires us to jump in and get the party started, there’s still a strong pull from the infinite waters of Pisces.

Jupiter and Neptune will be exactly conjoined in Pisces – the sign they co-rule – on April 12th. This is their first conjunction in the sign of the Fishes since 1856!

Jupiter + Neptune = BIG energies!! The amplification of the unconscious and dreamtime, our psychic powers and sensitivities, our capacity for imagination and higher vision – as well as the potential for escapism, addiction, delusion and disappointment.

Knowing who we are at an ESSENCE level, and being in touch with guidance and inspiration from the Divine, gives us the courage and strength to show up in our authenticity, vulnerability and power – and take action to create the future we want to live in.

Get detailed astro-navigational guidance for this potent new lunar cycle in this 55-minute New Moon recording. We cover: the culminating Jupiter-Neptune conjunction (hello, chaos and mystery!); the karmic crossroads of Saturn, Mars and Venus squaring the Nodes; the New Moon’s activation of Chiron; and more!

This call is offered “in the gift” – thank you for contributing the amount that feels right to you.

Note: the link to the recording will be emailed to you immediately, separately from your order confirmation (please check your spam folder if not in your inbox).

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