Cancer New Moon - June 2022

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Radical Rebirth Into A Bigger Story

The Cancer New Moon on June 28th invites you to reinvent your life and step into a bigger story.

Cancer is the sign of the Great Mother Goddess, and this New Moon signals the potential to recreate your life and the larger dream of the world. No matter how lost or f-ed up or off-course you may feel – or the world may seem – there is always an opportunity for rebirth.

As a water sign, Cancer activates the inner realm of emotions, and asks, How do you want to FEEL? Whatever outcome or material manifestation you desire, behind that wish is a feeling you want to experience.

To make the most of this New Moon, get clear about how you want to feel and anchor that feeling in your body. What steps can you take right now to create more of that feeling within yourself?

The New Moon forms a precise square to giant Jupiter – stirring up BIG feelings and the potential for emotional drama and reactivity.

The higher potential of this Jupiterian New Moon is to break free of old attachments and insecurities and step into a bigger story. Jupiter in Aries opens doors to new and exciting adventures when you’re brave enough to be your authentic self and go after what you REALLY want.

All three outer planets are activated at this New Moon, bringing a sense of fated or destined events and connections, and calling you toward your evolutionary purpose and soul’s mission.

In this 60-minute New Moon recording, you’ll receive in-depth astro-navigational guidance for making the most of this new lunar cycle, in effect for the next month.

We cover: Neptune turning retrograde and harnessing the power of imagination; Uranus conjunct the North Node and radically trusting your sensory intelligence; Mars square Pluto and the pressure to power through fear and resistance; and more!

This call is offered “in the gift” – thank you for contributing the amount that feels right to you.

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