Capricorn Full Moon - July 2022

from $0.00

The Transformational Power of Your Attention

The Full Moon in Capricorn, peaking July 13th, is not f-ing around! Not only is it a Super Full Moon – and the closest Supermoon of the year – it also conjoins with Pluto, and coincides with the US’s Pluto return.

AND, the Full Moon occurs close to where Saturn and Pluto came together in January 2020, signifying massive changes in societal structures and worldly power.

Translation? Deep feelings, whatever we’ve buried, repressed or denied, are rising to the surface – including feelings about how world changes have impacted our personal lives and the life of the collective. Needless to say, there’s a lot to process…

This Plutonian Full Moon brings awareness to how we’re using our attention – to heal or to wound, to reinforce our fears or to inspire us on our mission. We’re being called to harness the transformational power of our attention by focusing on what we love and value, the new reality we want to build.

In this 50-minute Full Moon recording, you’ll receive all the details about how you can best navigate and co-create with these powerful planetary energies.

This call is offered “in the gift” – thank you for contributing the amount that feels right to you.

Note: the link to the recording will be emailed to you immediately, separately from your order confirmation (please check your spam folder if not in your inbox).

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