Leo New Moon - July 2022

from $0.00

The Magical Power of Your Heart, Perception & Divine Will

The New Moon on July 28th is in Leo – the Divine Child, the Artist/Creator, the Queen/King. This New Moon invites you to get centered in your heart and solar plexus, align your personal will with divine will, and work your MAGIC to create the world you want to live in.

The New Moon harmonizes with Jupiter in Aries, which turns retrograde just a few hours after we enter the new lunar cycle. The cooperation between Aries and Leo amplifies the FIRE element – inspiration, enthusiasm, risk-taking and action.

Aries and Leo are the two signs most concerned with identity, and this lunation calls for clarifying who you are and what you want. What lights you up? What brings you joy? Where is the flow of vitality calling you forward? Do you have the courage to follow your heart’s passion and share your unique gifts?

Meanwhile, the rare triple conjunction of Mars, Uranus and the North Node is building in strength, and will peak at the end of the month. Revelations, breakthroughs, unexpected changes in direction, significant connections and disconnections – as well as edginess and anxiety – are some of the potentials of this line-up.

In this one-hour New Moon recording, you’ll receive in-depth astro-navigational guidance for making the most of this new lunar cycle, in effect for the next month.

This call is offered “in the gift” – thank you for contributing the amount that feels right to you. (If you would like to contribute an amount other than what’s listed here, feel free to pay zero at checkout, and make a donation to my “virtual tip jar,” located at the bottom of the page.)

Note: the link to the recording will be emailed to you immediately, separately from your order confirmation (please check your spam folder if not in your inbox).

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