Libra Full Moon - April 2022

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Embodying the Consciousness of Love

The Libra Full Moon, peaking April 16th, highlights the axis of self and other, putting our relationships in the spotlight. And it’s intense!!

The Full Moon squares underworldly Pluto, stirring up deep feelings and shadow material, and opening the potential for profound healing and transformation.

Libra is the sign of “the other” – what we project onto others, and what they reflect back to us. We can best work with this powerful Full Moon by recognizing that whatever we see (and especially what feels triggering) “out there” is mirroring a hidden or rejected aspect of self.

The hidden/rejected parts of ourselves are the parts that most need our love, compassion and acceptance. Venus, ruler of Libra and presiding goddess of this Full Moon, is now in Pisces, the sign of her exaltation, inviting us to soften and open our hearts wide enough to hold ALL the parts of ourselves.

Get all the Virgoan details about this potent time in this 45-minute Full Moon recording. I cover: how to work with the Aries-Libra (self/other) polarity; Venus as the “honored guest” in Jupiter’s home; the revelatory and creative potential of Mercury conjunct Uranus in Taurus; and more!

This call is offered “in the gift” – thank you for contributing the amount that feels right to you.

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