Pisces New Moon - March 2022

from $0.00

Awaken, Conscious Dreamer!

The Pisces New Moon invites you to re-source yourself in the deepest truth of who you are – infinite, eternal, pure consciousness – and to reconnect with your divine mission.

The New Moon conjoins with Jupiter and Neptune – the co-rulers of the Fishes – amplifying the power of this lunation and inspiring big dreams, higher vision and magical opportunities. After slogging through some serious Saturnian energy these past months, the Pisces New Moon brings expansion and FLOW.

The Pisces stellium that starts this lunar cycle also signals a major RELEASE – a cleansing and purification of the past. It’s time to feel, bless and let go of whatever you need to process from the closing astrological year, as you get ready to step into a new story.

Meanwhile, Venus, Mars and Pluto are all conjoined in Capricorn – urging you to focus your imagination and dream flow in the direction of your highest vision of the future. Commit to bringing your big dreams into reality, and get to work creating heaven right here on earth.

In this 52-minute New Moon recording, I go into all the Virgoan details about how you can access the higher potential of what looks like the most positive and expansive New Moon of the year.

AND – I also discuss the imagination-hijacking/big-illusion-inspiring shadow potential – and how to avoid that. We cover Venus coming out of her retro shadow, the Venus-Mars-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, and more!

This call is offered “in the gift” – thank you for contributing the amount that feels right to you.

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