Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse - May 2022

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Purge the Past and Expand into a New Story

The Scorpio Full Moon – peaking May 16th at 12:13am EDT – marks a massive change point. What’s been repressed, hidden, avoided, denied… is rising into awareness, demanding to be acknowledged and felt. Significant life chapters, projects and relationships are coming to culmination – and completion.

The Moon will conjoin the Scorpio South Node – the karmic past – highlighting what we’ve outgrown, what’s become stagnant, what we need to release and purge. Scorpio is the sign of death, rebirth and regeneration – what do we need to let go of to reenergize our vitality and create the life we really want?

Leading up to this epic eclipse of endings and release, Jupiter just moved into Aries, for the first time in 12 years. Jupiter in Aries sparks excitement about the future, catalyzes our courage to create, and marks the opening of a whole new life story.

As we purge the past, we can have faith in our own ability to initiate a new direction, to reinvent ourselves and our lives, to start a new story. The more we’re willing to let go of what we’ve outgrown, the more energy we free up for the new.

In this one-hour Full Moon call, you’ll get all the Virgoan details about this game-changing time. We cover: Mercury turning retrograde as Jupiter moves into Aries (that all happened yesterday - big changes!); Mars in Pisces and conjunct Neptune as the key to this eclipse (aligning with spirit and going with the flow); Saturn squaring the Nodes AND the eclipse (committing to the more positive future); and more!

This call is offered “in the gift” – thank you for contributing the amount that feels right to you.

Note: the link to the recording will be emailed to you immediately, separately from your order confirmation (please check your spam folder if not in your inbox).

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