Virgo New Moon - August 2022

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Discern & Commit to Your Heart’s True Desires

The New Moon in Virgo on August 27th invites you to get grounded in present time, discern your priorities and make changes to improve your health and environment.

Virgo is a sign of preparation, and this lunar cycle offers an opportunity to prepare for wild times ahead – the cosmic storm that will peak this fall as the Saturn-Uranus square comes into exactness during powerhouse eclipses and a twisty-turny Mars retrograde.

This is a time to get rooted in the routines that feel nourishing and help you feel more peaceful and balanced. This is the best New Moon of the year for establishing (or improving) daily habits that will support your emotional, mental and physical health moving forward.

The New Moon precisely squares action planet Mars – which has just started its seven-month visit to Gemini. Mars in Gemini excites your curiosity, empowers your mind, and energizes the urge to communicate, connect, learn and teach.

While the less fun potentials of this square are scattered energy, info-overwhelm and self-attack, the higher potential is to use the power of your attention – your inner Warrior-Magician – to discern and take action on what you truly love and value.

In this 55-minute New Moon transmission, you’ll receive all the Virgoan details about this new lunar cycle, and get practical astro-navigational guidance for the next month.

We cover: Uranus turning retrograde and the retro-emphasis of this time; Venus in Leo squaring Uranus and the Nodes and opposite Saturn (BIG decisions around love, money and creative projects); Mercury in the retro shadow and opposing Jupiter for weeks (big ideas and potential foot-in-mouth syndrome); and much more!

This call is offered “in the gift” – thank you for contributing the amount that feels right to you. (If you would like to contribute an amount other than what’s listed here, feel free to pay zero at checkout, and make a donation to my “virtual tip jar,” located at the bottom of the page.)

Note: the link to the recording will be emailed to you immediately, separately from your order confirmation (please check your spam folder if not in your inbox).

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