Embodied Aquarian

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capricorn full moon - the transformational power of your attention

July 13, 2022 (2:37pm eDT)

Full Moon collage by Emily

Wednesday’s Full Moon in Capricorn is not f-ing around! Not only is it a Super Full Moon – and the closest Supermoon of the year – it also conjoins with Pluto, and coincides with the US’s Pluto return.

AND, the Full Moon occurs close to where Saturn and Pluto came together in January 2020, signifying massive changes in societal structures and worldly power.

Translation? Deep feelings, whatever we’ve buried, repressed or denied, are rising to the surface – including feelings about how world changes have impacted our personal lives and the life of the collective. Needless to say, there’s a lot to process…

The call to action of this high-pressure lunation is to allow ourselves to FEEL – with compassion and acceptance – whatever arises, including and especially what we’ve been afraid to acknowledge. In this way, we unlock the higher potential of this Full Moon – to transmute old fears, blocks and conditioning and step into more of our passion, purpose and soul’s mission.

Mercury in Cancer opposes the Moon and Pluto, and forms a challenging square to Chiron in Aries. Mercury the Magician represents the power of our attention – how we direct our thoughts and our words moment by moment, creating reality through what we focus on.

This Plutonian Full Moon brings awareness to how we’re using our attention – to heal or to wound, to reinforce our fears or to inspire us on our mission. We’re being called to harness the transformational power of our attention by focusing on what we love and value, the new reality we want to build.

Our capacity to connect with our higher selves, guides, ancestors and angels is also heightened at this Full Moon. If you’re feeling inundated or overwhelmed by what’s coming up for you, reach out and ask for help from your support team on the other side.

To get more specific about what this full moon means for YOU, find the house in your birth chart that contains 21° Capricorn.

The areas of life represented by that house are where events are coming to fruition, culmination or completion, and where you’re called to:

  • Feel deeply (without judgment!) and purge fears, emotional blocks, old programs and conditioning;

  • Make or break a commitment;

  • Come into greater integrity with your deepest passion and soul’s mission;

  • Reclaim your authority, take responsibility, and step into greater emotional maturity.

See this product in the original post

In my 50-minute Full Moon recording, I go into all the details about how you can best navigate and co-create with these powerful planetary energies.

more Classes:

See this gallery in the original post