Embodied Aquarian

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Taurus full moon eclipse - elect & embody your highest future

november 8, 2022 (6:02am esT)

Full Moon collage by Emily

The emotional and energetic tides are rising as we approach the dramatic peak of eclipse season – Tuesday’s total lunar eclipse in Taurus.

A lunar eclipse is an extra-potent full moon, signifying a massive turning point. What’s been hidden in the shadows erupts into awareness, and events and relationships come to fruition, culmination or completion.

Amping up the pressure (and excitement), the eclipse conjoins with Uranus and squares Saturn – the grand finale of the Saturn-Uranus square. We’re being tested to take a quantum leap into our more beautiful future, to radically commit to what we love, value and want to create.

At the same time, we’re being shown – and urged to free ourselves from – the self-sabotaging stories, beliefs, patterns, programs, old emotional shiznit… whatever is blocking our fulfillment, abundance and joy.

We don’t need to (and can’t!) figure out how it’s all going to come together on this magical mystery tour. TRUST is key. The more we’re willing to let go of the past, the more energy we free up for creating the world we really want to live in.

Coinciding with Election Day in the US, this Uranian eclipse suggests unexpected, extreme, chaotic, surprising (or even shocking) events or outcomes.

Rather than getting overly caught up in world drama, this is a good time to remember our power to elect and embody a more beautiful future EVERY day and in every moment – in how we show up, the choices we make, and in how we love and value ourselves, each other and the earth.

To get more specific about what this lunar eclipse means for YOU, find the house in your birth chart that contains 16° Taurus. The areas of life represented by that house are where events are coming to fruition, culmination or completion, where revelations and quantum leaps are erupting, and where you’re invited to:

  • slow down and tune into your body’s guidance and wisdom;

  • connect with and embody your vision for your highest future;

  • let go of what no longer feels nourishing or aligned with your values;

  • heal wounds around self-love and self-worth;

  • come out of “survival mode” and open to receiving more support;

  • take steps to create more pleasure, beauty and love.

See this product in the original post

In my one-hour Eclipse recording, I go into all the details about how you can best navigate and co-create with these powerful planetary energies.

Because the current eclipse season is such a BIG DEAL, along with the recording you’ll also receive a handout to show you where the Scorpio and Taurus eclipses are activating your birth chart. This awareness gives you insight into which areas are specifically calling for transformation in your own life.

more Classes:

See this gallery in the original post